Myth-Information About Diabetes & Red Meat

Morteza Ariana
3 min readDec 1, 2023


7 Reasons why high-protein foods are essential when reversing diabetes 2.

I have long held the opinion, based on my decade of research, that the majority of people can lose weight most successfully with a protein-rich diet. The most satiating macronutrient is protein. It increases lean muscle mass, which in turn accelerates basal metabolic rate. In light of this, I wasn’t surprised to see that a protein-rich diet was superior to both calorie restriction and intermittent fasting for weight loss in this recent study. [1] After 60 days, weight loss, body fat, body mass index, and waist circumference were significantly lower in the high-protein group. Their fasting blood sugar, HbA1c, triglycerides, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, and high-density lipoprotein levels all improved substantially.

I emphasize animal-based because proteins from animal sources contain all nine essential amino acids in the highest possible bioavailability.

A 2021 Study By Harvard University, came with the following findings from 2029 participants over 6 months on a Carnivore Diet — red meat consumption was reported as daily or more often by 85%. [2]

  • 100% of Diabetics came off injectable medications
  • 92% of Diabetics came off insulin injections completely
  • 84% of Diabetics came off all oral medications
  • CRP Inflammatory Markers Decreased Significantly
  • 90% Improvement in all health conditions
  • 20lbs was the average weight loss

As I have already explained in more detail in this article, the driving force behind type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance. Regardless of the cause of insulin resistance, the goal of treating type 2 diabetes is INSULIN SENSITIVITY. So let’s look at how you can achieve this goal with a high-protein, animal-based diet.

  1. A high-protein animal-based diet is disproportionately nutrient-dense. Therefore, your brain will not be deficient in essential macro and micronutrients. Consequently, your brain will not release hormones that signal hunger.
  2. A protein-rich animal-based diet is very satiating. Therefore, you will not crave short after a meal and spike insulin. In this way, you decrease the demand for insulin.
  3. Your pancreas does not secrete much insulin shortly after eating meat and eggs. This stops the roller coaster metabolism of sugar, frequent eating, and frequent insulin spikes. This way, you improve insulin sensitivity.
As you see protein requires significantly less insulin than carbs. And fat the least.

4. A high-protein animal-based diet promotes muscle growth, [6]which speeds up your metabolism so that you burn fat even during the time you are not moving or exercising.

5. As I discussed extensively in this article Intermittent fasting is of utmost importance when it comes to reversing diabetes. With a high-protein animal-based diet, you can eat only once or at most twice a day within a short eating window without being hungry.

6. Branched-chain amino acids, such as those found in milk, cheese, and butter, especially caseins, are effective in suppressing hunger and subsequently reducing the total energy intake. [3]

7. Protein also can absorb an extra 50–150 calories per day due to its largest and longest thermal effect of all the macronutrients. The energy required for food digestion is 20–30% for protein, 5–15% for carbohydrates, and 0–3% for fat. [4][5]

Much Love & thanks for your interest. I am Morteza. I write about reversing type 2 diabetes through healthy foods and lifestyle choices. To see my stories pop up on your feed, I’d love you to follow me.

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Originally published at



Morteza Ariana

Certified Nutrition Consultant, Certified Diabetes Educator, Continuing Medical Education on Low Carb Treating Diabetes 2 & Metabolic Syndrome