How to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes Destroyer Review
5 min readSep 6, 2016


foods to avoid with diabetes

Diabetes has become a prime concern for people in today’s world. The main reason behind millions of million suffering from diabetes is stress and hypertension. In this fast world, living with the pace has taken a toll on people’s health.

There are various medications which have been helping the diabetic patient but a natural remedy is always welcomed by one and all. Due to no side-effect fear one generally opts for natural remedies. So here are some natural recipes which can bring a good and great change to your blood sugar level.

Include these natural foods to avoid with diabetes and you can have a tremendously good control on your diabetes.

Avocado’s high in healthy

Avocado: it is creamy and rich in taste. It is a big substitute of butter. This has fibre contents which is good for digestion but also gives a fuller stomach to prevent hunger for a long time.

Apple great diabetes controller

Apple: it is a great diabetes controller. An apple per day can bring a good condition in the blood sugar level. With low calorie content apple is good in diet. Apple eaten without peeling is more beneficial.

Other recipes of apple are chop apple and sprinkle some cinnamon powder and let it bake in the oven and have it. Apples with oat meals and yogurt are also good for diabetic patient.

Barley has a high fibre

Barley: diabetic patient should avoid rice as much as possible. So what is to be eaten instead? Grain. Barley has a high fibre content which is good for digestion. It cuts down the fat and does not let the carbohydrate get deposited in the body. Barley cooked or served with soup works wonder on the body.

blue and red berries

Berries: these have rich fibre contain and is a very good antioxidant. The blue and red berries carry natural compounds call anthocyanin. These compounds are really good in lowering the blood sugar level. They help to produce insulin which helps in digestion. These are good to eat by keeping them in the freezer for some time.

Beans: it should be included in the diet for people who have and those who do not have diabetes. It should be eaten at least three times a week.

Broccoli the best antioxidants

Broccoli: it is highly fibrous and one of the best antioxidants. It has a great part of vitamin C. The broccoli contains minerals like chromium. Chromium is very helpful in reducing the blood sugar level. It can be used in recipes of soups, pastas, noodles and many more.

Carrots: it is rich in vitamins. Carrots contain beta-carotene which is useful in dropping down the high blood sugar level. You can have them raw or can enjoy it as fries. Just cut the carrots in thin slices, sprinkle some salt and cinnamon powder, now fry them in olive oil and just enjoy.

chicken: chest part low fat

Chicken: chicken have low fat if eaten from the chest part. Person having high blood sugar level should avoid the skin and leg piece of chicken, otherwise chicken is a big treat to have and enjoy.

Fish: is a boon to diabetic patient. The fatty acid present in it is a good remedy for diabetic, heart diseases and cholesterol as well. Including fish item in the diet chart for once a week can be a good source of good health.

Inexpensive food item

Eggs: this is a great food to have. Prepare delicious and interesting dishes through this inexpensive food item. It has a good amount of protein which is necessary for the building blocks of the body. Fry it, boil it or cook it, you will sure enjoy every bit of it and at the same time it is healthy.

Yogurts improves your digestion

Yogurt: Yogurts are rich in calcium and protein. Insulin resistance is the main reason behind diabetes. Yogurt helps your body fight against insulin resistance which in turn improves your digestion.

Olive oil: a boon for diabetic patient. People in the Mediterranean region religiously put olive oil in their recipes. It has low fat content which is tremendously good for digestion. It can be used for cooking, in salads and many more eateries.

Sweet potato has very low Starch

Sweet potato: opt for sweet potato instead of potato. The sweet potato has very low starch content unlike the white potato. This even tastes better than that.

Pea-nut butter: it contains low calories but also fills up your stomach for long hours. Peanut butters can be eaten with toasts or mixed with veggies. Any of the either ways you are going to love the taste.

Whole-grained bread less Sugar

Whole-grained bread: eating of white bread has the same effect as that of eating sugar. So it’s better to switch to whole-grained bread which has more fibres and less sugar and of course is better for your blood sugar level.

Oatmeal rich Fibre

Oatmeal: oatmeal should be included in your food items and if someone is diabetic than it is of course mandatory. Oatmeals have a rich fibre content which is easily soluble also. Try to include oatmeal in your soups, stews and other recipes.

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