What is an OTC market?

2 min readFeb 11, 2022



Choice 2 was chosen in our community vote: “push back the listing, create an internal exchange inspired by the OTC desks, with a minimum DCASH price ($0.16) with no limit to the upside, allowing the launch of V1 and the circulation of the first DCASHs within the ecosystem even during the crypto-currency market downturn”.

What is an OTC market? We enlighten you!

Like many acronyms in the crypto world and more broadly in finance, it is an English term “Over the counter” (OTC) which translates into French as “de gré à gré”.

This expression used in the cryptosphere was previously used in traditional finance. It is used to describe a transaction, a market or a security that is traded amicably, by mutual agreement. To put it simply, the transaction is concluded directly, between the seller and the buyer.

We can talk about OTC transactions, OTC markets or OTC securities (also called “over-the-counter”).

In the world of cryptos, OTC markets are therefore decentralised places, without intermediaries where buyers and sellers can “meet”.

This video explains what the OTC market is:


Diabolo chose to carry out a community vote to find out what the community wanted for the project and thus respect both long and short term investors. 59.4% of them chose to turn to an OTC market and not to postpone the V1. This implies that people who wish to buy or sell their tokens will soon be able to do so on this OTC market. The team will communicate on the release of this OTC exchange.

