Ajala Legacy Forum is thrilled to announce the launching of the publication “Children of the Cult”


“Children of the Cult”, Aurora Mizutani’s latest anthology of short stories, was published in January 2024 by Ajala Legacy Forum Publishing House.

Children of the Cult” video excerpt.

This latest anthology of short stories by Aurora Mizutani highlights the hazards associated with becoming enslaved to love and bondage.

“Children of the Cult”, an anthology of short stories by Aurora Mizutani, 2024
Children of the Cult”, an anthology of short stories by Aurora Mizutani, in 2024 by Ajala Legacy Forum Publishing House.

Our origins lie at the intersection of biology and witchcraft, more commonly referred to as science.

Consequently, for many individuals, their initial exposure to a doctrinaire mindset transpires within their families.

It is noteworthy that when we pledge allegiance to a particular entity or group, we essentially align ourselves with a cult.

“Children of the Cult”, an anthology of short stories by Aurora Mizutani, 2024
Children of the Cult”, an anthology of short stories by Aurora Mizutani, in 2024 by Ajala Legacy Forum Publishing House.



Aurora Mizutani

Aurora Mizutani, born Dupelola Osaretin Ajala, is a journalist, author, publisher, and blogger. Her father is Olabisi Ajala, a globetrotter and journalist.