Diah Anggraini
4 min readNov 29, 2017

Real Property Token

Real Estate Market A decentralized Blockchain based Peer to Peer transaction platform that makes property projects more accessible, transparent, cheaper and seamless on a global scale. In essence it allows participants a secure platform to control their own property project at a fraction of the current cost whilst having exposure to a global audience.

Accounts for 60% of all global assets Value of all developed real estate $217 trillion Cross border transactions in 2016 totalled $426.8 billion.

Real Estate has been the preferred asset class for centuries.

Real Property Token is interested in talking with all participants in Real Estate transactions and services. If you are a service provider and are interested in taking part in our beta tests, please subscribe on the RPT website by clicking here. We believe it is going to take a number of Real Property Crypto companies to completely disrupt and change the market from 1 that is 100% fiat and allow for cryptocurrencies to enjoy their share. By crowding together we at RPT know the valuable role we will play in pioneering the change to help perfect an imperfect system, and in the process allow our token holders to benefit.

For the crypto Total Market Cap has reached a high in excess of $200B USD In the past 12 months, size of market has grown from $11.3 billion 1669% market growth in 12 months 900% new user + 940% increase in number of transactions in past 4 months Trading volume averages $4 — $10 billion USD per day.

As the banks, lawyers and governments move towards cryptocurrencies, they will become more commercialised and the 1% of people who transact with cryptocurrency will grow exponentially. Imagine the market if just 5% of property transactions were conducted with cryptocurrency. Trillions of dollars are spent each and every year on property settlements with billions of fiat dollars paid in transaction fees alone, allowing buyers and sellers to settle their contracts. As Cryptocurrencies disrupt the financial markets and gain traction they provide an opportunity for all participants to reduce their fees to a fraction of the cost they currently are. By building a brand now, and creating revenue from day one, Real Property Token will ensure it can be there and capitalize as the market transitions from fiat usage to Crypto usage.

The token distibuted generated

The generated tokens will be distributed at a rate of 70:30 between the Token Sale and Real

Property Token. From Real Property Tokens 30%, Founders will receive 5%, Team Members

and Advisors will receive 5%, Marketing will receive 10% and a reserve fund of 10% will be

held to ensure all Token Sale requests can be fulfilled. The Founders and Company tokens

are held in trust and will not be available to the market to be traded until 2019.

The Team

Team has been carefully selected and is comprised of individuals who are leaders in their field, with over 200 years combined industry experience along with a wealth of knowledge and vision for the future. We are experts in the field of Technology, Engineering, Property, Finance, Programming, Education, Compliance, Renewable Energy, Marketing and all have a passion for Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain.

With a vision to run our organization in a truly decentralised manner we allow Token Holders to have input in projects whilst at the same time allowing them to benefit from them. This is done by way of our Peer to Peer Project Platform, or by way of our Crowd. If you are a citizen or resident of The Peoples Republic of China or any entity formed under the laws of The Peoples Republic of China (each a Chinese Person), then you are not able to participate in the Token Sale. If you are a United States citizen you are not able to participate in the Token Sale.

The Tokens used to purchase services from RPT are held by RPT and used for further Development of the platform and socially responsible low cost housing projects, as well as the administration and operational costs.

Get in touch with us, we are always on the lookout for experienced and talented
individuals who can bring positivity and innovation to the team.
Email: info@rptoken.io
Website: rptoken.io
Twitter: www.twitter.com/RPToken2017
Facebook: www.facebook.com/RPToken
Telegram: www.web.telegram.org/#/im?p=@rptoken
BitcoinTalk: www.bitcointalk.org/RPToken