How to Handle Stress at Work

Diego Cortez
5 min readDec 26, 2021

Many people experience stress in the workplace. While some amount of stress is normal, too much stress can have negative consequences for both the individual and the organization. This article will explore what stress is, how it can affect work, and how to manage it.

1. What is stress, and how can it affect work?

When people think of work-related stress, they often think of deadlines, high-pressure situations, or difficult co-workers. While these can certainly lead to stress, other factors can also contribute.

Stress is a physical and emotional response to challenging or threatening situations. When you’re stressed, your body releases hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones can have several adverse effects on your health during prolonged times, including increased blood pressure, a weakened immune system, and difficulty sleeping.

Stress can also lead to problems at work. It can cause you to become irritable and short-tempered, leading to conflicts with co-workers. It can also cause you to be less productive and make more mistakes.

Workplace stress is one of the most common problems employees face. It can be caused by many things –such as a heavy workload, long hours, traveling, meeting new people, changes in routine, difficult relationships with…



Diego Cortez

Psychology Researcher. Writing about work satisfaction, happiness, and gratitude at work.