Why Your Mama Was Wrong About Having A Plan-B

Diallo Crudup
2 min readMar 23, 2020


If you ever shared your big dream with a mentor or parent, they probably replied, “Make sure you have a Plan-B.” In other words, if your first career choice doesn’t work out, have an alternative one. Sure this sounds like good advice, but I’m going to tell you why it’s dream homicide.

The Problem With Having A Plan-B

Plan-B (in a traditional sense) is basically a plan to quit on your original dream if it runs into any trouble. I’m here to tell you if your dream is big enough, it’ll have trouble. But, obstacles shouldn’t lead you to abandon it. If your Plan-A is to become a pro football player, should you settle to become the water boy instead? I think not!

What The NFL’s Kurt Warner Taught Me About “Real” Backup Plans

Kurt Warner’s Plan-A was to get drafted into the NFL from college, but that didn’t happen. Yet, he didn’t retire his aspirations to become a high school coach. Instead, he played 2 years of Arena Football and 1 year in the European Football League. Finally, after 3 years of proving himself, he received another shot at the NFL. Now Warner is a Super Bowl MVP and a Hall of Famer. Warner’s success is due to having a contingency plan — a plan to never quit.

How To Make Your Pipe Dream Reality (Without Disobeying Your Mama)

Flying was once a dream, going to space was once a dream too, now they’re attainable career choices. Your goals are also reachable, but only with the right mindset.

As your Mama said, have a backup plan, but not one that involves giving up. Like Warner, your Plan-B, Plan-C, and Plan-Z should only be different strategies to achieving your ultimate goal. Remember, your time on this Earth is limited, you may as well spend it doing something you actually care about.



Diallo Crudup

Promotional Writer For The Counseling Industry