How to Respond to Greeting in Twi

Dialogue Africa
1 min readApr 9, 2022


Response to Maakye, Maaha, Maadwo, Akwaaba

Responses to Akwaaba (Welcome in Twi), “Maadwo” (Good morning in Twi), “Maaha” (Good afternoon in Twi), and “Maakye” (Good evening in Twi) is “Yaa agya” to an elderly man, “Yaa ɛna” to an elderly female or “Yaa anua” to a colleague.

Ɛte sɛn? / Wo ho te sɛn? Ɛdeɛn na ereko so?

These are three basic ways to check up on others in Twi;

“How are you” in Twi is “Ɛte sɛn” or “Wo ho te sɛn”.

“Wo ho te sɛn” is usually considered more formal than “Ɛte sen” but in most cases, they serve a similar purpose.

Informally among colleagues “Ɛdeɛn na ereko so?” thus “what’s up” or “what is going on?” is used.

Responses to these basic phrases include;

“Me ho yɛ” meaning “I’m fine” or “I’m well”,

“Ɛyɛ’ thus “Fine” or “Okay” and

“Biribiara Bckcc” thus “All is calm”

Conversation between Ama and her Father;

Father: Maadwo (Good evening)

Ama: Yaa agya ( Response to Good evening)

Father: Wo ho te sɛn? (How are you?)

Ama: Me ho yɛ (I’m fine)

Ama: Na wo nso e? (And you?)

Father: Ɛyɛ (Fine)



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