Dear Warren: You’re wrong. A cryptocurrency manifesto.

4 min readFeb 28, 2019


What’s the point of having all the — fiat — money in the world?

Dear Warren,

A couple of days ago, when asked if you had changed your stance on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, you replied with your usual, direct “no”.

Your answer, at this time, doesn’t surprise us: Time and time again you’ve fought Bitcoin, stating that it has “no intrinsic value” –this time even going as far as to say that our industry is moved by directionless ambition and greed. And, time and time again we’ve had to remember how brilliant of an investor and financial thought leader you’ve always been, forcing ourselves to look past our initial rejection of this statement.

Today, however, we want to tell you that you’re wrong. Here’s why:

1. Even volatile cryptocurrencies are valuable thanks to decentralisation:

Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

We get it: It’s easy to say that Bitcoin and other traditional currencies are only worth something because people imagine them to do so.

However, people –especially in the Internet age — are no fools. Cryptocurrencies first rose in value thanks to the unique advantages that electronic money and decentralisation brought to those on the shorter end of the financial system of which uber-wealthy individuals –such are yourself — are a symptom. From your position, it might be hard to imagine how someone can have trouble sending money to other countries, even to war zones, or to get away from out-of-control inflation. It might even be hard to imagine how decentralisation can change the lives of millions of people by setting them free from oppressive regulations.

But let us tell you something: For everyone else, this was a game changer. Thanks to the blockchain and cryptocurrencies, we became aware of all the imposed limitations of the current financial systems. We went down the rabbit hole and realised there was no reason why we shouldn’t be able to send money to our own time, or for our money to constantly depreciate. We realised that, in a system where all things are equal for all, money actually increases in value.

Which leads us to the next point:

2. Cryptocurrency is not motivated by ambition and fear. It’s a means of creating equality.

Photo by Matt Popovich on Unsplash

The uprising of a technology as big and as revolutionary as cryptocurrency brought with itself a spark of innovation unheard of in the financial world. Soon, many people and companies –such as ourselves — discovered that they could contribute to the world by creating brilliant, useful projects that positively used technology to fix modern problems.

Cryptocurrency is by no means an industry free of troubles, but it’s supported by a community that’s both economically incentivised to contribute and ignited by this innovation. That, by itself, has more value to the average folk than the entire ‘traditional’ system. If you choose to see this as greed, you can have your way, but be aware that we come from an entirely new standpoint. A community standpoint.

Our commitment

As issuers of a stablecoin, we’re moved by the cause of placing cryptocurrency on its rightful place in the financial world. We’re aware of the multiple restrictions that fiat money unfairly imposes in the world, and strive and push to make asset-backing a reality again. We thoroughly believe that, together, the online and crypto community can create a better financial system that we can really be proud of and that can fuel a new economy.

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We’re launching our official wallet, DiamDEXX, very soon. In there, you’ll be able to purchase DiamCoin, the first cryptocurrency to be 100% backed by real, physical diamonds. Our currency, pegged to the price of a dollar, will also be backed by a smart-vault system, which ensures we’ll be able to keep the price perfectly aligned at $1.

If you’re interested in learning more about our project, please go to:




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Creating the first currency to be 100% backed by Real, Physical Diamonds — DIAM!