Diamond Renaissance Project: What’s Happening?

Diamond Park Renaissance Project
3 min readJan 25, 2018

By now, most of Ligonier knows that there’s going to be a construction project going on this year on the Diamond, but to what extent and why is it necessary are two questions that seem to be cropping up a lot.

This remainder of this post will provide you with information regarding the project including the list of improvements to be made, the approximate timeline and funding information for the project.

Improvements to be made

∙ Areas in and around the Diamond Park will be regraded in order to elevate the new concrete perimeter curb to 8 inches high, achieve adequate drainage and comply with ADA requirements which did not exist when the park was last reconstructed in 1967.

∙ The curb at the radius of the four perimeter corners will be relocated inward by up to 4 feet in order to reduce the potential for vehicular interference with pedestrians.

∙ Deteriorated brick pavers will be replaced with new concrete pavers and handicap ramps will be installed at the access points to the Park to make it more accessible and safe for all users.

∙ Bituminous pavement around the Park will be rehabilitated and stenciled concrete crosswalks will be installed along with clearly defined paint markings to further improve the safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

∙ A new snow-melt system will be added under all of the pedestrian pavement areas which will drastically reduce maintenance costs and liability to the Borough.

∙ Seating capacity will be increased, promoting social interaction by creating semi-circle seating areas and replacing deteriorated wooden benches with modern curvilinear benches, the style of those in the Town Hall courtyard.

∙ New electrical and sound systems, additional security cameras and a masonry extension to the existing bandstand

∙ Repairs to the bandstand’s slate floor

∙ The damaged copper roof of the bandstand will be replaced

∙ A new irrigation system to help maintain new trees and planting beds will be implemented

∙ Trees to replace the ones that will be removed are already selected and increasing in size at Halka Nurseries, Inc. in New Jersey. The species are maple and Zelkova, which are similar to an elm. Plans are to plant eight large trees, two on each quadrant along with 20 Kousa dogwoods to border the walkways. The caliper of the eight trees will be 8 to 9 inches and they will be approximately 30-feet tall.

Approximate Timeline

January 30- Groundbreaking

First Week in February- Demolition work begins on inner Diamond

April 15- Construction Begins

August 31- Construction Concludes

Mid-September- Trees & Landscaping Installed


A generous gift from the Richard King Mellon Foundation and support from the Mary Hillman Jennings Foundation, Colcom Foundation and PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources administered by the Lincoln Highway Heritage Corridor have allowed this project to take place.

The contractor chosen to complete the work is Darr Construction, Inc. from Berlin, PA.

Follow this blog for continued weekly updates on the Diamond Renaissance Project as we turn this new page in Ligonier’s history. ♦



Diamond Park Renaissance Project

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