Imagine It, and You Will Do It — The Hidden Power of the Imagination (#1)

Diana Craciun
10 min readMar 17, 2024

Picture this: you’re at a work event, chatting with someone from your team. As you stifle a yawn, you see that lovely colleague from the marketing team make her way in and pick up a glass of whatever. You notice she’s scanning the room, trying to figure out who she might be able to join in conversation. You’ve been crushing on her for as long as you can remember, but you don’t know anyone on the marketing team well enough to ask for an introduction.

But today’s the day. You politely wait for your team member to end their ‘fascinating’ story about their recent trip abroad, and you excuse yourself. You head straight to the woman of your dreams, stop right in front of her, and introduce yourself.

‘I once emailed you about this and that, you probably don’t remember me,’ you say confidently.

‘Oh yes I do remember! Thank you for being so efficient about it,’ she replies with a smile.

After that, you smoothly segue to more conventional questions about each other, gradually establishing a bond.

Now ask yourself: how do you feel? Will this small imaginative exercise have any long-term impact on you? Could it possibly help you actually find the courage to reach out to that special person?

It seems that it just might.

Photo by Mitchell Hartley on Unsplash



Diana Craciun

Philosophy PhD student tackling literature, culture, productivity and lifestyle with an academic bend.