Balancing Action And Surrender

Cosmic Shaman Elínrós
4 min readAug 7, 2021


How can we work towards a vision whilst simultaneously surrendering? It can be tricky to find that balance, when we make the committment to honour our Divine Feminine and sacred creativity, instead of ignoring, denying, and suppressing the yearning of our hearts and souls.

We learn how to follow the inner call, taking consistent guided action, without worrying about how, when, and what is going to happen. However, the urge to micromanage Spirit and Life itself is strong. Yes, it’s surprisingly easy to question the intelligence of the Divine.

Our lower minds want to manage the unfoldment of things, but when we get to a certain level of awareness, we are able to observe the psychological mechanics behind such desperation. With this grace, we instantly see that it’s ego masquarading as something grander.

We Are Always Spiraling Somewhere

Every moment holds a momentum carrying you forward — where are you headed?

This desparate grasping for control is a natural reaction from the lower mind. We are so used to acting from ego and the lower mind is used to running the show. These are deeply established patterns of thought and perception. We can break these habitual patterns by listening to the body and paying constant attention to our vibration.

Again and again, we step back and notice the tension rising within our bodies. Remember, the mental and emotional bodies are entwined with the physical. When we start feeling grumpy and impatient… Well, then we know. Break the pattern before it beings to spiral your emotions and thoughts out of control. Every moment holds a momentum carrying you forward—strong feelings create stronger momentum — where are you headed?

Photo by Todd Trapani from Pexels

Treat Your Ego Like A Restless Dog

Make time to connect with your body and your breath. When the body is tensing up and your breath shortens, you can be sure the ego is in charge. The ego doesn’t trust Spirit and needs to be treated like a family pet who is desperate for attention.

Give it some compliments, pet it softly, and tell it to go and lie down for a rest so that you can go back to work! That works much better than trying to ignore, punish, or agrily shut it up.

Photo by Torsten Dettlaff from Pexels

Will Aligned is Will Surrendered

The goal is to be that Divine channel devoted to the highest good of All.

In order to balance action and surrender, we act according to the direction of our hearts. We take guided action received from Spirit. We listen and cooperate. But how things unfold are not for us to micromanage or obsessively monitor and analyze.

Ask yourself what your deepest purpose is going forward. If you have devoted yourself to serve the Divine unfoldment, the spiritual evolution of Humankind and Gaia, to help others grow closer to Spirit, to embody their Souls, to heal and raise their frequency… then trust Spirit to work with you and trust that the Universe is infinitely generous and abundant. Trust that everything will unfold with grace, mercy, and Divine perfection.

When your will is aligned with the Divine will, it is not a matter of manifesting certain specific, personal goals. The goal is to be that Divine channel devoted to the highest good of All. The goal is to be of service to Spirit, so that it may do its Sacred work unhindered, using you like a paint brush.

This appears humiliating and degrading to the ego, convinced of its superiority, whilst the Soul realizes the sacredness of this task. Learn how to come into balance, align with Divine Will and Surrender with my free YouTube-series How to Balance Your Diivne Feminine and Divine Masculine.

Surrender Opens Your Body Like A Flower

Yes, will aligned is will surrendered. Feel the opening in your body as this realisation grounds in your awareness. The ego dissolves. Until the little doggy gets restless again. Then you stroke it, play for a bit, then tell it to go back to its resting place and lie down.

When your body is open, you are an open vessel, ready to receive all things good. Ready to hear guidance. Ready to feel the Divine everywhere within you, and everywhere around you. Then you are awake, aligned, and ready to rock this world like the Divine rockstar you truly are.

I am a Spiritual Coach, Healing Channel & Oracle Maker ~ Work with me for increased Divine Connection, Creativity, Spiritual Protection, Healing & Guidance



Cosmic Shaman Elínrós

Hello beloved! I am Cosmic Shaman Elinros of the Cosmic Shaman Academy.