The Power of NO

Cosmic Shaman Elínrós
3 min readNov 13, 2021


We have been gifted with the ability to say NO. The ability to say no to habits that don’t align with our goals, say no to people that makes us feel bad, say no to jobs that make us want to stay in bed all day long.

Saying NO is a valuable tool. And it’s free. Saying no will save you time, health and wellbeing, giving you the focus and energy you need to create the life you want to live. If you don’t say no to habits, situations, people, and circumstances that don’t feel right to you, you rob yourself of the life you want.

We have to make space for our dreams, time for our priorities, and hold strong to our values and self-worth. Who is going to do it for you?

Saying NO to someone or something can be saying YES to the life you want to live

Protect Your Life, Energy and Soul

Energy flows in and out of our lives, continuously. We give out energy with our attention, actions, and focus. We receive energy in each moment of our life, from our surroundings, circumstances, interactions, and so forth.

This constant ebb and flow of energy can either be to our advantage or disadvantage. Enriching or draining. It’s easy to tell which, simply by checking in what you’re feeling after an interaction or event, or at the end of the day.

Are you fulfilled? Are you content? Are you happy?
Do you feel seen and loved? Understood and appreciated?
Do you feel safe and protected? How does your body feel?
How does your mind feel? How does your heart feel?

Everything Has Consequences

This constant feedback loop makes it easy for us to see what’s working in our lives, and what’s not working at all. Every person in your life either adds to your wonderful experience of life, or deducts from it. It doesn’t make a person right or wrong, and this can change over time, but it is what it is.

Based on these realizations we can make choices. We can say yes, this is how I want my life to be. Or no, I want more for myself than this.

Deceiving Reflections

Just don’t mistake your own triggers for being other people’s issues. Sometimes we distort reality with our own unhealed wounds. The most loving and wonderful friend can make us feel bad if they are a stark reflection of where we need to grow in life.

Assessing when to say YES or NO requires us to be really honest with ourselves regarding what’s going on beneath the surface. Let your intuition guide you, because it is also true that not all that glitters is gold. You heart has the ability to discern on a deeper level, to undress reality, and reveal people’s real intentions.

Your Invitation

My invitation to you today is to take a moment now to realize that at the end of the day, the power to change your life is always in your hands. It boils down to a simple Yes or No. I know, it’s hard. Change is hard. But you’re stronger than you think.



Cosmic Shaman Elínrós

Hello beloved! I am Cosmic Shaman Elinros of the Cosmic Shaman Academy.