Denial and fear are two harmful things that keep you in place.

3 min readNov 26, 2022

I tried several times to disregard my emotions and not give them much weight. This is entirely incorrect, as I realized. It can be exhausting for many others who do the same thing as myself.

The idea is that the longer you ignore your feelings and thoughts, the more they will surface, and you will not be able to get rid of them until you take action. Each of us has tried at least once in our life to deny what we feel or think.

I think the reason we ignore what we feel is denial. We deny our feelings, believing that they do not bring us any benefit. We deny the feelings that make us sad and simply don’t want to accept reality. At least that’s what I often do. It was often difficult for me to accept a thought, because whenever I thought about it, I became terribly sad.

It was difficult for me to accept that I had grown up and that I needed to step away from everything I was doing now to begin a new chapter in my life. That’s why I chose to take a year off, but I’ve realized that I’m wasting my time waiting for the “perfect moment”, which will never come. Everything is inevitable; whether we like it or not, we all go through significant transformations.

Denial, in my opinion, stems from fear, and every person has their worries. My anxiety about abandonment and…




I write about diverse topics from psychology to technology and others.