Cleaning Your Coffee Grinder Without Damaging Its Materials

Diane Marshall
3 min readOct 10, 2021


If you are still an owner of a coffee grinder at home, you probably know that it also has different parts that need to be regularly cleaned after you prepare coffee. Among those parts, you have to clean the coffee grinder shell, coffee grounds bin, grind Hopper or blade of your machine. But there is still a cleaning that needs to be done even if you have already purchased a new coffee grinder. This is because some parts of your coffee grinder may wear out and then you will only find out when you use your coffee grinder. So here are some tips in cleaning your coffee grinder.

In cleaning the shell of your coffee grinder brush, you can make use of soap or water. You just have to add enough quantity of liquid so that you will be able to soak the entire part of shell into the solution. Make sure that you have used the soap mixture for disinfecting the brush parts as well. After soaking all the parts, scrub them carefully with a scrubbing brush in removing the decals and any designs that may be stuck on the exterior part of the brush. Do this process gently until all the decals and designs are removed from the grinder shell.

For further cleaning, after you have cleaned the shell of your coffee grinder brush, it is time for you to take out the burr portion or blade into a bowl of hot water and make it cold before using. This is done to ensure that the wood handle part will not be damaged when you are going to plunge it into the dirty water. It is also best to avoid placing any type of metal handles or spindles on the burrs as they can surely scratch the coffee particles especially when you are plunging the burr grinder into extremely hot water. Once the burr blade has been cool, scrub it until it is free of any sort of debris.

Another type of cleaning which you should also do is the washing of the outside parts of the blades. You can use soap and water and wash the exterior part of the coffee grinder brush by using a sponge or any soft cloth dipped into soap. Rinse the group head brush well and allow it to dry. When the cleaning is done, replace the blades in their respective holders. You should always keep the metal parts of your coffee grinder covered with plastic bags whenever you are not using them.

In cleaning the coffee ground residue without damaging the surface of your blades, another great way is to use the use of cotton swabs and pads. You should place these items inside the grinder while you are turning it on. When you feel some amount of soil sticking on the bristles, just wipe it away gently with a cotton swab or pad. For removing the remaining grounds from the sides of the grinder, take a bowl of warm water and soak the cotton swab or pad for several minutes. This method is very useful when you have accumulated a lot of ground coffee residue without any difficulty. Just make sure that you don’t wet the entire surface of your grinder while you are doing this process.

Lastly, another way to clean your coffee grinder is to make use of detergents and water. Dampen a soft towel with detergent and wipe the surface of your coffee grinders with the damp towel. Then, put the blades on an appropriate place inside the dishwasher. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when you are doing this cleaning procedure. After you are done washing, remove the blades and rinse them again in warm water.

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