1 min readJun 8, 2016


Some people can be so distracted in the weeds, they don’t see the big picture. Consider a Hillary presidency…following the disastrous Obama presidency…she will grow a government that is already too large and ineffective, increase the $20 trillion debt…appoint liberal justices to help brush aside your right to bear arms, and or purchase ammo for those arms, right to free speech that may not be PC, right to choose your health care provider and your insurance provider, higher taxes, excessive regulation that destroy small business and the entrepreneurial spirit, no patriotism or religion in the schools, celebration of Muslim holidays in our schools, approval and implementation of Sharia Law to challenge our laws, eliminate your right to disagree and not accept their beliefs in climate change, more jobs going overseas, a smaller ineffective military, more unrest in the world and continued threats on our national security and a promise to never return the US to superpower status to help keep the world a better place for all, on going victim status for so called minorities who can never break the chains of their dependency on the likes of Clinton and Obama and Reid and Pelosi who keep people in their invisible chains while they enrich themselves with money and power…get a grip…Trump with all his faults doesn’t even come close to the threats we face if she is elected instead of imprisoned for her own personal corrupt behavior during her political lifetime of living off the taxpayers.




Retired living in USA. Political junkie. Stop the crazies!