A farewell letter from a founder to her beloved company, Glam (Mode) Media

Dianna Mullins
7 min readAug 1, 2016

Dear Glam (aka Mode),

After 12 years to the month I find it is time to say goodbye. The newly assigned leadership has decided that they should continue to develop you without one of your mothers beside you, and as hard as it is to do so I must let you go. I need to trust and believe that those family members still fighting for you from within will continue to love and care for you with the same heart and passion we have had throughout all the twists and turns of your life.

You have taught me so much over the years as I have watched you grow and change. I will always be grateful and filled with joy when I look back on our journey.

When we conceived you in 2003, and I was invited to help bring you to life in 2004, the world was such a different place. Office space was empty, as the valley was still in recovery. We launched you as a bootstrapped startup (the only way we did it back then), with humble offices in Brisbane, California. Our equipment came from your sister company, who had found new parents and had gone on with her life a few years prior (NetObjects). Your debut website was launched as an e-commerce destination at NY Fashion Week, the first of her kind — a beautiful fun shopping site for women.



Dianna Mullins

A serial entrepreneur and co-founder of venture-backed Mode Media. She has a deep passion for startups, equality and inclusion, women-led ventures, and coffee.