2 min readMay 29, 2018



A good leader makes something difficult look fun and easy. They are willing to do the things they ask others to do. They know how to paint the big picture and show people how to do what they do!

A successful leader will create enthusiasm in those that follow them and in turn those that follow will pass the same enthusiasm on to the people they gather to follow. In this case — new client(s) and co-worker(s) they bring into the business.

Sounds great…but, what is it that enables the leader to create the excitement? It is VISION.

The leader has a vision of what it is they desire to accomplish. They have goals and to meet their goals they need others who desire the same vision.

This is called SHARED VISION.

A shared vision is the key to uniting a great team. It is what motivates the team members and keeps them moving forward. It’s what makes each one reach out further to succeed. It is the key to uniting internal and external customers!

When the entire team creates the vision — it works. When all involved share it — the vision naturally creates within the team the inspiration and drive needed to complete the mission!

In short, your shared vision is your mission statement i.e. your commitment and promise to your customers both internal and external.

Without the right people who share that vision with you…. beware. Your mission statement with people who could care less is just lip service. It’s just a slogan that sounds good, but carries no commitment or purpose. These are most commonly identified as the sly staff member(s) that enter into your facility with their own phony lip service to get a job, and the negative attitude client(s) whose name on the books sends a chill up the trainers’ spine.

When you encounter these vision spoilers…. you need to know when to pull a weed. Be careful though, sometimes what you think is a weed will eventually bloom into a flower. The point is… don’t be afraid to weed your business garden to protect the harvest for all who labor for the vision.

Patty Cummings, CEO, Astro-Durance LLC




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