The Future of Artificial Intelligence: What to Expect

16 min readJun 10, 2024


The Future of Artificial Intelligence: What to Expect

Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has caught everyone’s eye. Major companies like Apple, Google, and Amazon are making big moves with AI.1 There’s a mix of reactions. People are excited about AI’s potential benefits. But, there are worries too, like jobs disappearing. Understanding AI’s future impact on jobs and industries is key.

In the 1950s, AI was just a dream. Now, with the help of machine learning and deep learning, AI has achieved amazing feats. For instance, IBM’s Deep Blue beat chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. Then, IBM Watson won Jeopardy! in 2011.2 The new era in AI includes generative AI. OpenAI launched its first GPT models in 2018. Since then, we’ve seen advancements like GPT-4 and ChatGPT.

AI’s journey is far from over. It’s on track to change how industries like manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and transportation operate.3 But, AI’s growth also poses risks. These include job cuts and the challenge of developing ethical AI.


Key Takeaways:

  • Over 55% of businesses are using AI in some form, showing AI’s fast uptake.1
  • Developments in machine and deep learning allowed IBM to win in chess and Jeopardy!. These achievements laid the foundation for generative AI.2
  • AI will change a range of fields, like healthcare and finance, but it also raises worries about jobs and ethical AI.3
  • AI’s increasing demand for energy could raise carbon emissions by 80%, challenging our environment.1
  • More women might face AI in their jobs, starting concerns about job security and the AI skills gap.1

Understanding AI’s Impact on the Workplace

Artificial intelligence (AI) is growing fast. It’s getting better at predicting things and this will change how we work.4 As AI starts doing tasks that don’t need human thinking, some jobs might disappear.4 There was a big reaction to this in 2022. Writers and actors were worried because their jobs might change or go away.4

AI’s Ability to Reduce Costs Through Prediction

AI’s power is in making predictions cheap. It can solve tasks without needing human minds4. This change means some skills won’t be as important. But, other skills will become more valuable because they can’t be done by AI4.

AI’s Impact on Human Skills and Tasks

AI will push workers to become better at their jobs. Those in creative and skilled positions will face minor changes rather than job losses5. Companies must teach their workers new skills to keep up with these changes4.

Implications for Managers and Decision-Making

For managers, AI will change how they make decisions. It will help them make smarter choices using data4. More than half of companies are already using AI. This means we’ll see more automation soon, with chatbots and digital helpers talking to customers6. AI makes it faster to understand data and decide what to do6.


The Evolution of AI: From Arithmetic to Prediction

Computer technology is advancing fast, thanks to Moore’s law. It’s changing how we solve problems and make decisions. Just like computers made arithmetic cheaper, AI is making prediction affordable and available widely. This7 opens up a world of new applications.

The Rise of Computer Technology and Moore’s Law

In the early 1950s, AI started to take off. The first big win for AI came when a checkers program ran on a computer in 1951. This success happened at the University of Manchester. It was a big moment for AI.8 Since then, AI has grown a lot. Machines can now learn and solve problems like never before. For example, IBM’s Deep Blue has beaten top chess players. And IBM Watson won at Jeopardy!.

The newest thing in AI is generative AI. It includes tools like OpenAI’s GPT models and ChatGPT. These advances have made AI more popular and useful. They show how AI can change many industries and our daily lives.

AI’s Role in Making Prediction Inexpensive

AI makes prediction cheap, just like computers made arithmetic cheap. This change is big. It will allow for new ways to solve old problems. AI will be even more helpful where predicting the future is key.7

Metric Value AI Exam Performance In mid-2022, OpenAI’s GPT model answered 59 out of 60 multiple-choice questions correctly on an Advanced Placement biology exam, earning a perfect 5 score.8 Global Child Mortality Rates Globally, the number of children under 5 dying from preventable causes like diarrhea or malaria has decreased from 10 million two decades ago to 5 million currently, showcasing significant progress.8 Math Achievement in the US Math achievement is declining across the United States, particularly affecting Black, Latino, and low-income students, highlighting the need for educational support in this critical subject.8

AI’s journey is not over. It will keep making prediction cheaper. This will bring more innovation and problem-solving. Our future will be shaped by AI in lots of ways.


The Future of Artificial Intelligence: What to Expect in the Next Decade

The future of artificial intelligence (AI) looks promising. In the next decade, we’ll see big changes. The latest development in AI will focus on systems that understand not just text but also images, sounds, and videos. OpenAI’s GPT-4, for example, can describe pictures taken by the Hubble Space Telescope well.

Tech giants like Microsoft and Google are planning to use AI more widely. They want to add AI tools for tasks like writing emails and summarizing meetings. As these tools become common, different industries will undergo big changes thanks to AI.

Machine learning, new types of neural networks, and improved computer vision will push AI forward. This means we’ll have AI systems that can handle lots of different types of information. They will be used in manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and transportation to make these fields more efficient using AI.

However, the growth of AI also brings challenges we need to overcome. These include job changes, the need for more people to understand AI, privacy worries, and ethical concerns. Policymakers, industry experts, and the public must work together. They need to make sure AI grows in a good way, benefiting everyone.

AI’s Impact on Business Automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is greatly changing how companies work. It’s boosting productivity and making customer service better. Currently, 55% of companies are using AI. This means more jobs are becoming automated in various fields.

Increased Adoption of AI in Organizations

Many businesses are embracing AI because it solves non-predictive problems. A study by IBM in 2023 showed 42% of big businesses are using AI now. Also, 40% are thinking about introducing AI to their teams. Of these, 38% use generative AI, and 42% are planning to start using it too.

AI-Powered Chatbots and Digital Assistants

AI is notably seen in chatbots and digital helpers. They manage simple requests from customers and employees. This lets people focus on more challenging work. About half of what people do at work can be automated. This includes physical work and handling data.

AI-Driven Data Analysis and Decision Support

AI doesn’t just help with daily tasks. It also affects decision-making in companies. By analyzing huge amounts of data, AI can provide clear insights. This speeds up how quickly leaders can make smart decisions. With this help, labor productivity could grow by up to 2% each year in the next ten years. And, 60% of this growth will come from using digital tools.

AI Adoption Metric Percentage Enterprise-scale businesses that have integrated AI 142% Organizations considering AI for their operations 140% Organizations that have implemented generative AI 138% Organizations considering generative AI 142% Organizations that have adopted AI to varying degrees 155%

Job Disruption and the AI Skills Gap

AI and automation are changing the job scene fast. People worry about losing their jobs to machines. This is especially true for roles that involve a lot of repetition.9 But, those who work in skilled areas might see AI help them do their jobs better, not take over.9

Risks to Manual and Repetitive Jobs

Women might face more job losses from AI. They often work in jobs that AI can do, and they may not have the new skills needed. This could make it harder for them to join the tech world unless companies help them learn new skills.

Demand for AI-Related Skills and Professions

More jobs will need AI expertise in the future. So, learning about AI will be important for many careers.10 By 2030, over 12 million people might need to switch jobs to meet these changes.


Upskilling and Retraining for the AI Workforce

Learning new skills will be crucial. The first source explains that investing in education and training is key for success.10 Companies must help their employees learn about AI to stay relevant in a tech-focused job market.

Key Trends and Statistics Insights — During the pandemic (2019–22), the US labor market experienced 8.6 million occupational shifts, which is 50% more than in the previous three-year period.10 — By 2030, activities representing up to 30% of hours currently worked in the US could be automated due to generative AI.10 — It is estimated that an additional 12 million occupational transitions may be required by 2030.10 — Workers in lower-wage jobs have up to 14 times higher chances of needing to change occupations compared to those in higher-wage positions.10 — Women are 1.5 times more likely than men to need to transition into new occupations.10 The labor market is experiencing significant disruption, with the pandemic accelerating occupational shifts and the rise of AI automation posing risks to manual and repetitive jobs. Lower-wage workers and women are disproportionately impacted, highlighting the need for upskilling and retraining initiatives to support the workforce. — 85% of organizations surveyed identify increased adoption of new and frontier technologies and broadening digital access as the trends most likely to drive transformation in their organizations.9–75% of companies are looking to adopt big data, cloud computing, and AI in the next five years.9–86% of companies expect to incorporate digital platforms and apps into their operations in the next five years.9 — Employers anticipate a structural labor market churn of 23% of jobs in the next five years.9 Businesses are rapidly embracing new technologies, including AI, cloud computing, and digital platforms, to drive organizational transformation. This technological adoption is expected to significantly impact the labor market, with a substantial churn in jobs over the next five years.

Data Privacy and Ethical Concerns

Artificial intelligence (AI) is getting more popular. This makes people worried about how their data is used. Companies need a lot of data to teach AI systems. They worry this might lead to misuse of personal info.11 The FTC is looking closely at OpenAI. They want to check if collecting data breaks European laws.11

Issues Surrounding Data Collection and Training Data

Teaching AI requires heaps of data. This raises big issues around privacy and ethics.11 People wonder if data collection is clear and safe. There’s fear about how misuse could affect privacy.11 Keeping AI’s growth ethical is hard but super important.

The AI Bill of Rights and Data Privacy Principles

The Biden-Harris team made an AI Bill of Rights. Privacy is top of its list.11 They want companies to be more open and careful with data.11 Lawmakers aim to set rules to protect people’s info and make AI develop ethically.

AI is changing fast. But, we need to keep privacy safe as it grows. It’s a big task that needs everyone’s help. Solving these privacy and ethics issues needs teamwork. Tech companies, regulators, and everyone else must work together. This way, AI can be fair and safe for all.

Regulatory Challenges and Legal Implications

Artificial intelligence (AI) tech is growing fast. This has caused big questions in the law and ethics world.12 The EU is making rules with the EU AI Act to control AI in their markets. These rules look at the risks and make sure that AI is clear.12 They are also working on the AI Liability Directive. It will make AI makers responsible for any harm their products cause.

Copyright and Intellectual Property Lawsuits

AI and its impact on ownership are under the spotlight.12 Many sue AI tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, from writers to big companies like The New York Times. These cases show how unclear the law is on who owns what. The result could change how AI grows in the future.

Government Regulations and Guidelines

13 The U.S. is feeling the heat over ethical AI use.13 The Biden-Harris team has set out basic rules. But, they might get tougher rules later.12 They’ve also ordered testing on how safe and secure AI is.

12 Around the world, over 37 countries are working on their AI laws. Even the United Nations is joining in.12 They aim to make worldwide agreements by 2024. Countries like the EU, U.S., and China agree AI needs to be safe and not harmful.

In the AI world, laws and ethics are more important than ever. Policymakers have a tough job ahead. They need to make sure AI grows the right way, without causing harm.

AI’s Impact on Climate Change and Sustainability

Climate change is a major challenge for our world today. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a big part in fighting it. AI can help create and support green solutions. But, making and running AI models might also harm our planet more, adding up to an 80% rise in emissions.

AI’s Potential to Reduce Carbon Emissions

AI is great for improving how supply chains work. It can also predict when equipment needs fixing and use resources better. All this can cut down on the carbon we put into the air.14 Using AI can help companies go green. They can operate in ways that are kinder to our planet.

Environmental Concerns of AI Development and Maintenance

AI’s promise to fight climate change is exciting. Yet, we can’t forget the harm it might do. Developing AI, especially for big language models and chatbots like Bard or ChatGPT, uses a lot of power. It can use more power for a single task than regular apps do. This power use can make the climate problem worse. It affects low-income and colored communities the most.

Tech companies and policymakers need to think hard about the environment. And they should focus on creating AI solutions that don’t hurt our planet. This means investing in clean energy and making tech use less energy. We need a smart plan to make sure AI helps the Earth.

Key Industries Transforming with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing many areas like manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and transportation. Companies use AI to work better, make smarter decisions, and create offers that fit each customer.

AI in Manufacturing and Robotics

In factories, AI robots and smart sensors help work faster and better. They cut down on mistakes, check quality, and make things smoother.3 Also, AI helps keep machines working well, guess when they need fixing, and make sure supplies move smoothly. This saves money and makes work more flexible.

AI in Healthcare and Drug Discovery

In health, AI speeds up finding illnesses, finds new drug ideas, and boosts personal health support. Doctors get better at spotting medical problems and planning treatment more quickly by using AI data.3 AI is also fast-tracking drug creation by spotting great drug hopes, making tests better, and cutting through rules faster.

AI in Finance and Investment Decisions

AI shakes up the money world by spotting fraud, watching credit, and helping with stocks.2 In handling investments, AI often does better than people when there’s a lot to think about.3 This new way of money thinking is set to change how we invest and trade, making things faster and smarter.3 Robo-advisors, backed by AI, target investors who like tech, offering plans and managing money just for them.

AI in Education and Personalized Learning

Educational AI changes how kids learn by fitting lessons to each student. It makes learning materials, checks for copying, and gives personal tips.2 AI tools also help teachers figure out where students need more help and adjust teaching plans to fill these gaps.3 By 2028, AI could deeply alter how education works, making customized learning the norm thanks to AI.


AI in Media and Journalism

The media are using AI to make news and stories. AI is writing articles and making videos by itself. It’s great at spotting patterns in lots of information and crafting interesting stories. This helps media reach more people and keep them engaged better.

AI in Customer Service and Chatbots

Customer service is getting a boost from AI chatbots. They answer simple questions and handle tasks better and more evenly.3 By doing the basic stuff, AI lets human reps focus more on complex issues and personalized help. This raises customer happiness.

AI in Transportation and Self-Driving Cars

Transportation is rapidly changing with AI. By 2025, more than 100% of cars will have AI tech inside, making them not just connected but smart.3 This is leading to driverless cars, which promise safer and smoother travel for everyone.

AI is making waves in many fields, making work smoother, decisions smarter, and customer service better. It’s continually growing, promising even bigger changes ahead.

Risks and Dangers of AI

Understanding the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) is key as it grows. It offers great chances but also big hurdles. We need to handle these issues to use AI fairly and well.

Job Losses and the AI Skills Gap

AI might change how we work, which worries many. It could automate about 30 percent of work hours in the U.S. by 2030. This might lead to the loss of 300 million jobs, says Goldman Sachs.15

Although AI is set to make about 97 million new jobs by 2025, this change won’t be easy. Some groups, like Black and Hispanic workers, might lose jobs more easily to AI.

For instance, wages for manual jobs can drop as much as 70 percent due to AI. This is a big worry in areas such as marketing, manufacturing, and healthcare.

Human Biases in AI Systems

AI can also carry our biases, causing unfair treatment. This means AI might treat people differently because of their race, gender, or other factors. This can make people lose trust in AI and the groups using it.16

Issues arise from using AI in monitoring, like China’s facial recognition. Predictive policing in the U.S., which impacts Black communities more, also raises concerns. People worry about privacy and too much policing.15

It’s vital to fight these biases and develop AI ethically. Developers should prevent biases that mimic unfair hiring. They should also work to avoid widening the gap between rich and poor because of AI job loss.15

We must carefully think through the risks of AI. Establishing strong ethical guidelines is essential. This will help prevent misuse and unintended harm from AI’s great changes.15


The future of artificial intelligence is bright, ready to change how we live and work. With17 advancements in AI, we’ll see much progress. But, this progress comes with risks like job losses and privacy worries.

To make the most of AI, we all need to pitch in. This includes organizations, those making the rules, and everyone else. If we tackle the risks and embrace the good17, AI can really help society and spur sustainable growth.

AI’s future brings both excitement and important questions to address. Together, we can guide AI’s evolution. This way, it can make a huge positive difference in our lives and the environment.


What are the major advancements in artificial intelligence expected in the next decade?

In the near future, we’ll see AI getting better at handling images, sounds, and videos, not just text. Big tech companies plan to use advanced AI like OpenAI’s GPT to enhance their products. This means we might use AI tools to write, summarize, and do more cool stuff.

How will AI impact the workplace and job market?

Experts say AI could reduce costs for businesses by forecasting things cheaply. This might make some job skills less in demand, especially the ones that can easily be done by machines. However, other skills might become more important. Yet, for jobs that need creativity or specific skills, AI might help, not replace. This shift could mean we need to focus more on education and training to keep up with job changes.

What is the historical context of the evolution of AI?

Computer technology advanced thanks to Moore’s law, which made it cheaper to do math. Experts say AI will do something similar for forecasting, making it more affordable. This could lead to new ways of doing things. The earliest AI success was in 1951. Since then, big moments like IBM’s Deep Blue winning at chess and Watson dominating Jeopardy! have shown AI’s potential.

How are businesses and industries being transformed by AI?

AI is set to change lots of fields, from making to teaching, and from banking to travel. In production, it’s boosting efficiency through smart machinery. Health care uses AI to look for diseases quickly and to help find new medicines. AI also keeps an eye on patient health. Finance relies on AI for spotting fraud and making investment calls. In these and other sectors, AI is sparking big changes.

What are the risks and ethical concerns associated with the development and deployment of AI?

There are key worries with AI, such as job cuts and what’s called the AI skills gap. This gap might hit certain groups harder, like women and those already struggling. Privacy is a big concern, too, along with the fear that human biases could creep into AI decisions. Tackling these issues early on and with care is essential for AI to grow in a fair and responsible way.


How is AI expected to impact climate change and sustainability efforts?

AI offers both benefits and challenges for fighting climate change and ensuring sustainability. It could help make things like supply chains smarter, which can lower emissions. Still, creating and keeping AI models might use a lot of energy, which could hurt our green efforts. Balancing these pros and cons is key as AI continues to develop.




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