A Beginner’s Guide to Fat Burning Dietary Supplements

Dian Term
4 min readMar 25, 2020


Staying fit and healthy isn’t easy for everyone. Some people are just naturally born with amazing genes — tall and lean. Others are just naturally athletic. But on the other end of the spectrum, some individuals need to put in a little more effort to achieve their body goals, and so this is where gym memberships and strict low-calorie diets come in.

Another “helper” people turn to when it comes to weight management is diet supplements. Admittedly, these fat burners had negative connotations in the past but science has since then improved on the formula, focusing on healthy ingredients. So what is the truth? In this article, I will be sharing facts and busting myths about diet supplements.

What are weight management diet supplements?

Simply put, diet supplements aimed at weight management are made to boost a person’s metabolism. A slower metabolism makes the breaking down of food you eat slower and harder. Couple this with minimal to no exercise, the effects can be stored fat in places you don’t normally want, making weight loss very hard to achieve. But with weight management diet supplements, you have an extra hand helping you digest the food with a more active metabolism.

What should you look for in a diet supplement?

Here are ingredients you should look for in a diet supplement:

  • Vitamin B12 — Vitamin B12 is seen by scientists to help the body in weight loss by turning the food you take into glucose. Once it is turned into glucose, which is a type of sugar that serves as the body’s fuel to do everyday tasks, you have more energy to burn.
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL — Probably one of the most famous fat burner ingredients, L-carnitine is a nutrient that plays a vital role in the production of energy. It transports fatty acids into the cells’ mitochondria. This then fuels the cells to create more usable energy, making you more active to do everyday tasks.
  • Green Tea Extract — A favored after-meal tea, green tea is known to be abundant in catechins and caffeine. This combination helps in green tea’s weight loss properties because both catechins and caffeine regulate hormones to enhance thermogenesis, the process which makes the body burn calories to digest food and produce heat.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid — While this organic compound is found in all human cells, biologically we can only create small amounts of it. This is where diet supplements with Alpha Lipoic Acid come in. With its antioxidant properties, its benefits include reduced inflammation, improved nerve function, lower blood sugar levels and even aids in burning calories.

When looking for a diet supplement to help you in your weight loss journey, it’s best to review if these ingredients are incorporated. One such nutritional company that includes these in their fat burner products is Zurvita, specifically in their popular Zurvita Burn dietary supplement.

What is Zurvita?

Zurvita is a nutritional company that produces Zeal of Life products — a range of nutritional products that includes bars, shakes, weight loss, and cleansing dietary supplements. Founded in 2008, Zurvita has been operating in seven countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

Zurvita is also a multi-level marketing company that has been working with tons of independent distributors to sell its products.

What is the Zurvita Burn?

Zurvita Burn is one of Zurvita’s most favored products. It is designed specifically to boost your metabolism and improve your strength in performing daily tasks. It supports healthy blood glucose levels and aids in achieving overall health and wellness. It is best to take alongside Zurvita Cleanse, another dietary supplement that aids in cleansing your body with toxins.

Zurvita Burn’s ingredients include vitamin B12, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Green Tea extract and Alpha Lipoic Acid. Alongside other fat burning ingredients, taking 2 Zurvita Burn capsules in the morning with a 12-ounce glass of water results in a boosted metabolism and a more energized feeling. Plus, these ingredients support healthy blood glucose, not to mention all of them have derived natural plant materials. It’s recommended to complement Zurvita Burn with exercise to safely and effectively lose weight.

If you’re looking for a dietary supplement to aid in your weight management journey, turn to a nutritional company that only uses ingredients that are organically-sourced. It’s very important to review a company’s credibility and the ingredients they put in the supplement you’re purchasing. And remember, taking fat burners is not enough to achieve your body goals. Put in the work, eat clean and complement it with a weight management supplement and you’ll be well on your way to achieving the body of your dreams.

