Data Science in the Real World

Data Science + UX Design = More Conversions

Olivia Diaz
5 min readJun 7, 2019

Do you still think that even today, success or failure of a website design solely relies on the creativity of designers? Probably not! With technology becoming sophisticated, subsequently rendering users more demand, UX designs seem to have blurred the lines between art and science. Here comes our hero, data science to help you avoid death by bad, unintuitive design!

Web designing seems to have changed over the span of years. With data science advancing into the niche, change becomes inevitable. Now I am pretty sure why there is a need to incorporate a scientific method in the User Experience profession? Well, as an avid user experience practitioner, I have observed that many of you have this misconception that designs incorporate more as an art than a science. It’s simply because people often are unaware of the scientific basis of the profession.

UX decisions can be made in several ways:

  • Developing a hypothesis
  • Running experiments to test the hypothesis
  • Reviewing literature, relevant examples & case studies
  • Measuring & interpreting results to deduce what works & what doesn’t

At last, you come up with some kind of an informed design decision. Above all, not all professionals possess the same skillsets and are from the same background; it is also obvious to harbor the perception of UX being more of an art than science by not being methodical in their approach.

Data Science in UX Design

Before we get into any discussion, I would like to shed some light stating that Data scientists and UX designers are entirely different. Both the teams require a different set of skills, for example- a data scientist must feature correlation, classification, prediction, generative modeling, trend analysis, outlier detection, data visualization whereas a UX researcher offers journey map creation, card sorting & tree testing, heuristic evaluation, facilitation, concept testing, contextual interviews, benchmarking.

How can data science improve UX design?

With the help of data science, designers can create sites that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional that triggers a clear response from the user. For instance, pushing the intended buttons leading to a purchase or filling their e-mail address. Creating a well-designed site means you are compelling your visitors to stay longer, generating more shares, and ultimately converting them into more business. With the existing multitude of data sources, it is not difficult to gather insights about the clients’ preferences, but it is becoming challenging to navigate the ocean of information. And do you know what the best part is, most of it is free, like Google Analytics.

But to question is how to use it?

  • Optimize your bounce rates- Before making any conclusion, just assess which pages have the best and worst bounce rates. It may quite interest you to know that Google Analytics not only allows you to access the report for each individual page but also analyzes your landing pages and establishing the sources from which visitors enter your website.
  • Enhanced Average Time on Page metrics- As the point suggests the report shows how much time a visitor spends on a particular page while engaging with content. If you see a lower average time, it means visitors are not reacting to your content particularly well, maybe because the page features a lengthy blog post. This is a sign to optimize it. In some instances, though, a visitor quickly leaving means they easily found the information they were looking for.
  • It’s always the bottom line- On and all, you need to obtain insights into demographics starting from gender, age, interests, level of education, income, location, and other information. By doing this, you will surely be able to understand the requirements of your target audience and their preferences when it comes to user experience and satisfaction.

Finally, Data Science + UX Design = More Conversions

With the help of aforementioned metrics, it becomes easy to come up with a website that captures visitor’s attention for a long run. Let’s find out how data science can deliver more conversions.

  1. Fine-tune your layout- When it comes to determining the performance of each element on your web page, A/B testing has always topped the list. No matter how time-consuming the hit-and-miss method is, it is the most effective one. Another tactic is the heat map analysis through which one can boost effective conversions. You can get an idea about what colors, fonts, buttons, or types of content make your visitors tick by simply monitoring the eye or mouse cursor movement.
  2. Polish your content- Content will always be the king. But it won’t affect much if visitors can’t locate a useful piece on their topic of interest. And that’s why there is a need for a search box. This tiny element not only helps your end-users navigate your website easily but also sheds light on whether the results people get correspond with what they’re searching for. As a result, you can make your content more valuable and meet their expectations.
  3. Personalize your website- Relevant visitor data is very crucial when it comes to tailoring your content and giving each one a unique and personalized experience like never before. What needs to be avoided is the concept of one-size-fits-all messaging and addressing your target audience in a bland, generic manner. Instead try and connect with them on a deeper, more personal level by displaying adaptive CTAs, messages, or even visuals. With segmentation, you can target different audience groups with suitable messaging and imagery, and avoid the redundant information they don’t care for.
  4. Analyze your traffic

New leads are extremely crucial irrespective of your business. In order to understand how to optimize lead generation procedures, it is very crucial to identify what the most effective method is and insist on them. Make sure you evaluate every acquisition channel and leverage those which bring the most qualified traffic. Another way to steal some of their thunder and copycat is spying on your competitors is their successful tactics for your own benefit.

On and all,

Data science is very crucial to the success of your UX design. Remember, the key to your visitors’ behavior and expectations, but you must learn to use it and be aware of its potential pitfalls.

Olivia Diaz is working at, an Enterprise level Mobile & Web application Development Company. She is an early adopter, likes jotting down the ideas about the latest technology to offer insightful information to the readers about everything that breaks the internet. For more details about the company, you can visit here



Olivia Diaz

I am early adopter, like jotting down the ideas about the latest technology to offer insightful information to the readers.