Someone has got a mortgage loan in my name without my permission, what do i do?

20 min readMar 27, 2019


Someone has got a mortgage loan in my name without my permission, what do i do?

I am almost positive that i know who it is. its under my social and everything, and trust me, i picked my name out, so i dont think it could be the same name.

Answer : I would recommend one to try this web site where one can compare from the best companies: .

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“Someone has got a mortgage loan in my name without my permission, what do i do?

I am almost positive that i know who it is. its under my social and everything, and trust me, i picked my name out, so i dont think it could be the same name.

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FICO score in the 500’s. This is because many different loan inquiries at once, and slow/late payments because I’ve fallen behind. I spent most of my savings on fulfilling my dream of starting my own business. I work full time at a pediatric hospital and as an internet entrepreneur. I make good money, but am plagued with bad credit and I don’t own a home, though that is a future goal. I desire a loan to pay bills and finance home businesses. Previously I’ve been caught in the payday loan trap and borrowed against my retirement. These sources have only helped briefly and basically I need a larger amount ($10,000–15,000 USD) with an interest rate of 18% or less that’ll allow me to consolidate/payoff high interest credit cards/loans and buy some much needed equipment for my home businesses. If anyone can offer advice or help and please don’t be a scammer, then I’d like to hear from you. Thanks.””
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“Someone has got a mortgage loan in my name without my permission, what do i do?

I am almost positive that i know who it is. its under my social and everything, and trust me, i picked my name out, so i dont think it could be the same name.

“”An auto loan question, people who know loans or is a loan officer, please answer.?””
Ok, so I applied for a used auto loan first time around and got 11k at 5.69%. After a review, I got the loan. I asked for 15, got 11. I am 23, make more than enough to cover the payments and all my bills, and my credit score is in the 700s. So here’s why I’m confused. The loan expired so I went in and reapplied 1 month after expiration. I expected the interest rate to increase slightly. I got denied the second time around, then the banker called a loan officer b/c she thought it was weird and my loan was approved at 13k at 8.99%! So the banker couldn’t know less about interest rates and couldn’t find the rate I originally got the first time and said it was always 8.99%. I know what I heard and it wasn’t 8.99% the first time, but never got official docs sent to me b/c they had reviewed it first. Not understanding this, the supervisor at the bank couldn’t know less and repeated herself when I asked why my old info was missing and why my rate changed so much? Can anyone explain this?””
Credit score check at equifax? trustworthy?
i did a quick credit score check a few days ago at equifax..very good detail but no excat credit score. should i check again because i had a deliquency and it ddint show up on the report which was weird..also a yr ago i did a creddit check at i canceled as soon as i got my score) and mysteriously got charged by aol $16 a month somehow considering i had no account with them ever. just want to make sure i dotn screwed over again. thanks

“”How do I get a mortgage with an open bankruptcy? Renting is not an option, I need help!?””
I just relocated (for work) to an area that is having an incredible housing boom, there are more people than houses available. As soon as something within my price range goes on the market it is sold…for the asking price and sometimes more! My biggest problem at this point is my bankruptcy isnt finalized yet, and no one will give me a mortgage, it will be finalized as of July 15th, I need to move into a house by July 1st…hence my dilemma. I appreciate any and all feedback on this issue…Thank you!””
“”Owner carrying home loan I can’t afford anymore, can I file bankruptcy on this loan?””
I purchased a house in 2006 for 112k, today I owe 110k however the value of the home is around 100k. I have had to take pay cuts to keep my job from 50k annually to 32k, just another victim of the economy. Now it appears I may get laid off. I own a home that I bought 3 months ago that I live in (no equity) and the other home is a investment property(this being the 110k home in question). It’s getting extremely hard to keep up with family care, existing debt, and payments for both homes (tenant in place however still coming out of pocket $220 monthly).It looks like I may have to look into bankruptcy. Any advice is appreciated thank you in advance :)””
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I concented to a loan. The day it was supposed to be dedcution only about 1/4 came out of my account. I emailed the rep who contacted me the next day and the next 5 days stating I don’t want to roll this over. I gave her my number and asked that she call me so I can pay the full balance. She never called now they want almost double the amount. I have the documentation showing I did everything beyond resonable doubt to pay. What are my options if they still try to double what was originally owed.
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Is there a personal loan/debt consolidation for bad credit site?
Where I can talk to a live person prior to applying? I have bad credit and want to get rid of my debts and start fresh. There is no regular bank that would approve me and all I’ve found online are automatic loan sharks that only offer payday advances, and that is not what I’m looking for. Is there a site where I can speak to a live agent so I can explain exactly what I need prior to applying?””

What is a good website for your credit report and score?
I want to find a good website for my credit report and score but, not sure which ones are the best. I want to keep up with it each month. Any suggestions would help.””
Can you get a homeowner policy on a house that is going into bankruptcy?
trying to stop bankruptcy, mean while lost homeowner coverage. can I get another homeowner policy.””
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How to avoid a girl without hurting her?
I like agirl, who most probably using me and borrowes money very often asks office sectets, now i want to avoid her but donot want to hert her feelings. girls pl advice. ( i am a man)””
Trying to shop online? Paypal keeps asking me for a credit card!?
So i’m trying to buy some clothes online on the american eagle website. But every time i try to buy anything online paypal tries to make me use a credit card. It says You must add a credit card to complete this purchase. Some payments
How do I fix my credit?
My credit stinks. Mostly I had credit cards and didn’t pay them on time for months and then settled. One credit card I didn’t settle, I paid in full and it’s still on my credit report 3 years later. I need to fix my credit but I don’t know how. Please help!””

Has anyone used quid source for a payday loan?
Has anyone used the company QUID SOURCE for a payday loan? i have tryed to use them and im finding them abit suspicious. Please can some one help me?
Which mortgage is best for me- 7 year interest only or 30 year fixed? First home (condo) — read details.?
I’m about to buy my first home (condo) and do not plan on living there more than 7 years. I decided to buy because I’m sick and tired of throwing money away renting. I have narrowed my loan choices down to either a 30 year fixed and a 7 year interest only. The 7 year interest only mortgage is $120 less per month than the 30 year fixed, which is a lot of money for me. I am also aware that I’d be able to write off a greater amount in taxes by going with the interest only mortgage, yet most people are still advising me to go with the 30 year fixed instead. Please help. Thanks””
Where can i find a public record of bankruptcy filed?
I filed for bankruptcy 14 years ago. This is still showing up and i want to have it removed
I need to find a personal loan for $5000 at 20% or less and pay it back over two years. Is this possible?
My credit is minimal, no co-signer possible. Suggestions would be much appreciated!!!””
Can you file bankruptcy against just one creditor?

Credit score of 450 am currently in chapter 7 personal bankruptcy dismiss or discharge?
I need to know what looks better on a consumer credit report, a chapter 7 bankruptcy dismissed or a chapter 7 bankruptcy discharged. Forget about all other factors, how much it cost to file, if a lawyer was used. Looking at someones credit report and you see either a dismissed bankruptcy or a discharged bankruptcy which would look better? which would less negatively impact a score. Please ONLY answer this question if you have either 1. been through a chapter 7 bankruptcy yourself 2. work in a profession that deals with consumer credit thanks””
Interest rate and Fixed rate mortgages HELP!!?
Harvey has a fixed rate mortgage of $621,000 at 6.8% for 25 years. The monthly payments are $4,310.19. How much will Harvey pay in interest after 25 years? please help!””
What should I do about my credit?
My mom divorced last year and her ex had a truck that he could not afford by himself so he returned it to the dealership. However, when he returned it, he still owed them thousands of dollars. Now my mom got stuck with the payments because they co-signed and also he wasn’t paying for it. My mom had a car to pay herself and to build up my credit, I was a co-signer. Long story short, my mom filed for bankruptcy and now I have to pay for whatever is left on the car after they’ve already auctioned it. And I would rather not file for bankruptcy, is there any other way??””

“Someone has got a mortgage loan in my name without my permission, what do i do?

I am almost positive that i know who it is. its under my social and everything, and trust me, i picked my name out, so i dont think it could be the same name.

“”Can anyone answer a question about bankruptcy, student loans and means testing?””
If you can answer specific to New York State, great, but if you only know about it where you are, let me know and say where that is, if you wouldn’t mind. This is my question. Please listen carefully because I am NOT ASKING about discharging of student loans in bankruptcy. NOT ASKING that. Already know you can’t except under extremely hard to achieve circumstances. I am asking if judges when applying means tests to a bankruptcy applicant take into account one’s student loan burden. My student loans could easily take forever to repay.””
What are some good ways to help build credit?


Which bank is easier to get approved for an auto loan?
Planning on financing a car in a month or so around $20,000. I make about 2k+/month and putting 4k down. I do not have extremely good credit and only have had credit established for a year but my credit score is decent [715–720]. Which bank would be the easiest to get approved for an auto loan? or should I just stick to the dealers? Also, if any trouble, I have a friend who’s willing to co sign for me who has excellent credit.””
Which bank in Australia is the easiest to get a home loan with?
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How do you check your credit?
Can you go to your bank and get a copy of it? I tried to check it and it told me the information i gave them doesnt match the information they have on file… I’ve applied at a few places such as target and best buy for credit cards and cant get any… as far as i know, I have had clean credit my whole life. I dont have any reason not too. it also says i have a home mortgage and I’m only 18 and dont have my own house….. anywhere.. could it be fraud??? HELP””
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I am 18 years old and i am a part-time cashier at a grocery store. In September I will be going to school at the local community college. I want to know if I would be eligible for an auto loan Of about $4,000 with $1,000 down payment. “”
Find my credit report for fee?
I have a 630 credit score and was told i have a deliquent account on public record. how do i find out who has posted these deliquent accounts
Sign for car in different state than auto loan?
My husband is in the military and we were just approved for a car loan. He is in a different state than I am, but we are listed as co borrowers on the loan. The bank we got the loan through is in the same state as my husband. Will I be able to sign for the car in the state I am in, or does it have to be in the state where my husband is?””

Water is poured into a conical container at the rate of 10 cm3/sec.?
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Are credit cards backed by REAL money?
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When filing bankruptcy can i add a law office i am currently making payments for to avoid garnishments of wage?

What do i need to get a home loan?
i sold my home on a short sale 2yrs ago, got divorced, and do not know what my credit looks like. so what steps should i take to get a home loan?””
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Can I assign my mortgage to a family member?
Hello, I have a rental property that my parents would like to take over but I have a mortgage on it. Can I assign the property and related mortgage(s) to them without them having to get their own loan? Right now we can’t do a refi on the property because I bought it during the boom and it’s worth approximately half of what I owe on it.””
Need online link to apply for loan with bad credit?
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Best way to check my credit score?
I was wanting to see what my credit score was and whether or not I have ever been victim of identity theft before I apply for a loan. Any recommendations of where to go to check it? Is it something a normal accountant can do or what?




“Someone has got a mortgage loan in my name without my permission, what do i do?

I am almost positive that i know who it is. its under my social and everything, and trust me, i picked my name out, so i dont think it could be the same name.

