In Sickness

Jesse Dice
3 min readDec 11, 2022

Yes, a shadow has been cast over the past couple of years by a particular virus, but lets talk about how 2022 has been the year of the virus, especially, for those of us with kids. No, not just that virus…it feels like all viruses. Shout out to the tripledemic! As I write this I am actually contending with a newly developed laryngitis, nasal congestion, and body fatigue. This particular virus even seems like it doesn’t want me to write as I battle brain fog and a headache that doesn’t respond well to Advil. Yet, here I am channeling my spitefulness at the viral load of…this year.

Okay, it hasn’t been all bad. For one, this year brought us our second child. She is so smiley and so loved. She also fits in nicely to this story as she is perilously enveloped in a viral cloud at all times. We had been fortunate enough to not have had much sickness come through the family in 2020 0r 2021 as we joined much of our community in taking strict precautions during the pandemic. Even with our 5 year old in school, we managed really well the past couple of years. Now.. we knew that we eventually had to send the baby to daycare. We also knew that it would likely be a matter of time before the plagues started rolling in. We just weren’t mentally prepared for the constant flow of germs into the household as we continue to run on fumes with parenting through a pandemic.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

By constant flow, I mean since the beginning of September we maybe had all of us healthy for one week total. I write this not for pity, but because I know we are far from alone. Parents are collectively walking around in a fog wondering how we squeeze more sleepless, weary, (fill in your own other creative adjective) energy from ourselves week through grinding week. The mental health and relationship stress toll has also been significant.

Back to our story…Through our cycling illnesses three family members also managed to get subsequent bacterial infections. Two back-to-back ear infections for the baby, a sinus infection for the 5 year old, and a sinus infection for the Mom. Coincidentally 🧐, amoxicillin also hit a shortage this Fall. Our pediatricians who know us (and the whole town) very well, at this point, sent us to the pharmacy in town that had a dwindling supply. They swore us to secrecy in a back alley deal sort of fashion. “We know a pharmacist…Tell them I sent you, and keep it hush, hush.”

Many rounds of antibiotics later, it is now me and the baby who are dealing with some bug. One more work week…and then maybe we can bunker down…until the next time we need to poke our heads out of the bunker. If we catch another sickness right when we go back to school and work, it will foretell 18 more weeks of sickness for us all. You can call me Punxsutawney Ill. If this Dad joke didn’t land, I am blaming that on this fever dream of a post.

Lastly, a shameless plug: As we have been looking at our years in review as parents, I encourage you to subscribe to my substack to get a free “Year In Review” worksheet. It processes the year’s losses and hopes, and also allows us to integrate what has been a really packed year. So subscribe and check it out before it goes in my premium store in 2023.



Jesse Dice

I’m a therapist working in Charlottesville, VA. I write about grief, anxiety, relationships and difficult conversations.