DiceyBit on the Crypto Games Conference

2 min readOct 23, 2018


From 17th to 18th October Minsk was hosting the first ever international conference dedicated to games and games services with use of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The mere fact of more than 600 people participating in such an event indicates an increasing interest in the development of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. DiceyBit’s team took an active part in the conference, sharing with its participants the company’s vision of the subject matter. Below you are invited to take a glance at a few takeaways.

A vast majority of startups dealing with crypto-games products seem to be pursuing the same business model, which is that of creating their own coin and expecting it to go up in value. The division between blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies appears to be a rare thing, leading the businesses to their weaker adjustment to B2B interaction despite the fact that the launch of supplementary tokens is supported.

In technological terms, a significant number of projects are created on the Ethereum platform (e.g. POA, Dao.Casino), whereas those based on other protocols are constantly facing the problem of their integration. Most of the businesses make use of off-chain or side-chain schemes in order to solve the issue of scalability. However, these solutions find themselves still in their infancy and have not yet been fully specified.

DiceyBit presented the prototype of a game platform from DiceyBit Network. The products offered by the company help come up with solutions to such issues of blockchain technology as the speed and the costs of transactions. Apart from that, DiceyBit Network combines the elements of the independent protocol, the unique consensus and the seamless integration of both new and existing solutions in gaming industry.

It is worth mentioning that DiceyBit’s ideas and technical solutions were highly praised by many an expert in iGaming. Lots of participants of the event took much pleasure in testing demo-versions of DiceyBit’s games and user’s vault.

The competition in the field of blockchain technology is gathering pace with every year. So are the efforts undertaken by DiceyBit’s team to work on improving the gaming experience for its users. Blockchain technology as well as game services based on it is a thing to keep your eyes open for in future.

