8 Effective Real Estate Marketing Ideas You Need to Know | The Website Marketing Pro

Dick Ingersoll
5 min readJul 15, 2020


Over 87 percent of home buyers use a real estate agent to find their house. While the market is full of potential clients, it’s also full of competition.

From thinking outside the box to traditional routes, a real estate agent can never market too much. Do your best to stand out with these real estate marketing ideas and close a lot of deals.

1. Use Virtual Staging Websites

It’s good for potential home buyers to see what a house might look like with furniture and decorations. Some people struggle to use their imagination with an empty home. Give their creativity a boost by using a virtual staging website.

A virtual staging website allows an agent to create the inside of a home to the specifications of their clients. This will give them the opportunity to see if they really like a house.

Additionally, a virtual staging website will save you tons of money and time. Staging a house requires you to own or rent furniture. Real estate agents will spend hours of free time to stage a home that could be used to focus on gaining clients.

2. Professional Photography

Smartphone cameras are getting better every year, but nothing beats a professional photographer. When you use a professional photographer, you are guaranteeing potential home buyers will see clear details.

A great photographer can also use filters, lighting in dark areas, and edits to help enhance features of a home.

Some photography services are also using drones to help sellers get aerial shots of the property. In the past, a photographer would have to climb a tree, rent a crane, or pay a helicopter pilot.

Make sure you get pictures that will catch a potential client’s attention and show the home in the best light possible.

3. Build a Website for Your Real Estate Listings

Instead of constantly telling potential clients about your current listings, have everything in one place.

A website helps you stay organized, but it also puts your name on the internet. With the right search engine optimization, a real estate agent can be the top search result in the area.

Your website should have something unique to differentiate it from other real estate websites. Having a list of recommended contractors and handymen in the area is a great way to show you’re a credible authority.

Another addition to your website is a blog. Blogs can cover various topics pertaining to real estate. It will assist with your search engine results and allow you to connect with potential customers on a personal level.

4. Guerilla Marketing

Always follow local laws when conducting your marketing. Guerilla marketing is a great way to get your name out in the neighborhood while spending limited money.

Traditional marketing avenues are wonderful ways to get leads, but everyone is doing it. Try a few ways that will separate you from rival real estate agents.

Go to your local bookstore and check out the DIY section. A lot of people who are fixing up their homes are trying to sell it. Slip your business card in the middle of home repair books.

You can also put your stickers on surfaces in noticeable areas. Some cities have outlawed this practice, but it can be effective if it’s allowed. Imagine people leaving a baseball game to see your real estate sticker on a pole outside the stadium.

5. Form Real Estate Marketing Partnerships

As a real estate agent, it can often feel lonely trying to do marketing and get leads. Form real estate marketing partnerships with local businesses.

If a local coffee shop lets you post flyers and hand out business cards, then you can include their advertising in your materials or on your website.

One business might particularly be helpful to you — give them a room in your next open house to set up a booth or stand. Potential home buyers will see how connected you are to the community.

6. Host a Seminar/Webinar

In 2020, the new power is information. By hosting a free seminar/webinar, you can pass real estate information on to potential home buyers and sellers.

Have some strong authorities in your community speak at the seminar. They will appreciate the invite because it gives them a chance to advertise their own business.

Everyone will gain something from a webinar. The speakers will make connections and get free advertisement, and the guests will gain information and access to the experts.

7. Increase Social Media Presence

For the last decade, Facebook and Twitter were the most popular social media platforms. Now, people are migrating over to Instagram and TikTok. It’s time for you to join the migration.

Expand your social media presence to cover more platforms. You’ll reach a wider range of demographics who are interested in buying or selling real estate. Additionally, you can link all your accounts so if you post on one, it’ll post on all.

When you run your paid advertisements on Facebook and Twitter, make sure to include Instagram. Instagram ads allow you to pick specific parameters to target the audience you want.

Get your real estate business in front of people you know are ready to buy or sell today.

8. The Power of Videos

All the content you create has a profound effect on the recipient, but none are quite as powerful as video.

Potential home buyers and sellers will get a chance to see you, hear you, and feel conviction in your voice. A good production will highlight your strengths and reveal the property gems you have.

A video doesn’t have to be Hollywood quality to get attention. Have good lighting, look presentable, speak clearly, and show off some properties.

Closing the Deal

As a real estate agent, your goal is eventually to close the deal — but you want to close the deal multiple times a week. With a solid real estate marketing plan, you can grow your sales leads and turn them into commission.

This marketing plan will help you stand out from the competition and turn you into the real estate marketing guru for your area.

If you think you need some help with your digital marketing, then check out our digital marketing services today.

Originally published at https://www.thewebsitemarketingpro.com on July 15, 2020.



Dick Ingersoll

Dick Ingersoll is passionate about SEO and has spent his career helping businesses stand out, be unique and make money in their niche.