How to use Loki from Grafana Cloud with Openshift Network Observability

Didier Wojciechowski
3 min readFeb 16, 2023


In this blog post, you will see how to use Loki product from Grafana Cloud to setup quickly OpenShift Network Observability operator to play with this great operator.
With the Openshift version 4.12 Red Hat introduced the new release of Openshift Network Observability operator to observe the network traffic for OpenShift Container Platform clusters. The Network Observability uses the eBPF technology to create network flows.


The Network Observability operator called internally "NetObserv" offers the visualization of the intra-cluster traffic. Our great development Team created a eBPF agent to hook into the network events so it can capture and export data coming in and out of the interfaces of the kernel level. eBPF provides a powerful and performant agent and it's agnostic on a particular CNI (Container Network Interface).
In the high level architecture diagram of Network Observability coming from this great source [1] we can see the role of Loki. Loki is a prerequisite for using the Network Observability Operator.

Architectural Diagram

I didn't want to install Loki on my cluster as shown in this great blog post from Tommer Amber, but I prefered to consume directly the Loki instance offered by my Grafana Cloud Free plan.

As a summary of our goals, we want:

  • To install Network Observability operator
  • To create a Grafana Cloud account.
  • To create a FlowCollector using Loki instance URL from Grafana Cloud.

Part 1 : Install Network Observability operator

From your Openshift Web UI, install the Network observabilityoperator

Part 2: Create Grafana Cloud account and using Loki API key

From, create a free account (no credit card required) if you don't have it. Once done click on My account (on the top right of the menu of
Select Loki part and click on the blue button Send Logs, a page will appear with all informations needed to integrate Loki with our Network Observability operator.

The format of the Loki URL needed for Network Observability is something like :
https://<user>:<Your API Key>@<URL>

example : https://341370:<Your API Key>
where 341370 is the User, is your loki instance on Grafana Cloud.

To generate your API Key, the Grafana interface propose a Generate now link. Capture all this values, you will need them for the last part.

Part 3: Create a FlowCollector using Loki from Grafana Cloud

From your Openshift Web UI, navigate to: [NAMESPACE==netobserv] Administrator view -> Operators -> Installed Operators -> NetObserv Operator -> Create FlowCollector -> Go to loki section -> replace url value with url created in Part 2.
example :

Additional resources :

