Didier Champion
3 min readJan 23, 2020

A Visit at the Campaign Against Genocide Museum in Kigali, Rwanda

A statue in the front of the museum, showcasing the multitasking capabilities of the RPF troops during the battle to stop genocide against Tutsi, saving lives while fighting against the forces of evil.

At the heart of the beautiful city of Kigali, there is a “new” museum that just opened up. If you are visiting Kigali for the first time, I highly recommend going there, especially if you are interested in learning about the history of Rwanda. This museum tells the story of courageous men and women of the Rwandan Patriotic Front ( RPF)who, upon noticing that the international community and the whole world had abandoned…

Didier Champion

Son of Africa, Energy Engineer, Entrepreneur & Rwandan Expat. A true hustler at heart, Traveling Nomad & Storyteller. https://didierchampion.com/.