The Simple Act of Being Grateful

Diego pc 🧢
3 min readSep 17, 2022


person crying from joy
sobbing over how grateful I am right now

The simple act of being grateful has carried with it the most powerful effects around my first couple of years entering the stages of being an adult. During the years before I reach the age of majority, I repelled the idea of becoming 18; that event was met with extreme resistance. I remember that always being scary and even now past that age it still remains as such, but I think it will be that way for most days and I don’t think it should be seen negatively as a whole. I grew the most at and from that point in my life, its strange. All along my struggle I managed to identify a lot of the conflicts I had while identifying and sticking by the good parts of my life. Thankfully, I was surrounded by people I loved, enough to help me face, understand, and heal from those issues, not all of them, but a substantial amount nonetheless. My dysfunctionality in the role I convinced myself to fill for my adulthood was beginning to be diminished, and subsequently when arriving into my adulthood, my obstacles were beginning to be understood.

You’d be surprised how much just those sentiments can spawn the chance to learn, the circumstance to reflect, and shot to provide external values. I’m in my position now with other people, admittedly built from relationships of fearful beginnings, whether its normal or not, where I’ve come from since has shown me the importance and severity of being afraid. In turn, I found gratitude led me through it. It seems really self explanatory and obvious needing a circle of support and all its merits, but just having the few people I did to even unknowingly become such an immeasurable help and a reassurance to my nature had eased “the scare of the legal age”. You latch onto those you grow adjacent to, a lot easier when their humanity and rapport is as present as your is. Not to mention my time crossed over with the worlds worst pandemic of recent years, and my academic performance with my mental health had plummeted, so I was immensely in need of help just like the rest of the world had been. My friends also didn't need to directly help me with my problems or any specifics, again, they alone coexisting with me became part of my intention for the day. That was the goal. There’s so many outcomes these people had given me for the barriers I had placed or either encountered. Habits were changed, and experienced had developed; I opened myself more and I grew some resilience. The best parts of me were helped put forward, and all of that because I simply, acknowledged, listened, shared with, and sought out those closest I had the opportunity to tie my experiences with. Some of these people I know might not ever be aware of it, but they’ll at least know how grateful I am of them. Please remind yourself, and others how much you hold your appreciation.

