The Power of Creation at your Fingertips

Diego Camacho
3 min readSep 23, 2022


“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…” these are the opening lines of the most sold book throughout history, the bible. In it, one can find the relationship between the creator and his creation. I remember that from an early age this knowledge fascinated me. Trying to understand the relationship and interactions between the one that creates and that which has been created seem like an endless display of intelligence. An exhibit that though complex, it is worth looking into.

But, what if I was to tell you that now you can create the impossible as well? Now, now I am not about to tell you that we can “play God”, as, in contrast to him, our limitations in the real world are very apparent, and even though progress has overflown our reality with many perks, we still face illnesses, natural catastrophes, wars, famine, psychological issues… and much more. These sorts of stumbling blocks are a constant reminder of how limited we truly are.

However, in the virtual world, all boundaries seem to break. I mean think about it, the miracles and wonders in scripture and the ones that many have spoken about, as an account of their own experiences. For the creator, the one that runs the code of life, the one that establishes all its variables and conditions. For someone like that opening the sea would be as simple as doing a:

.red-sea {


justify-content: space-evenly;


And it would be done, as simple as that. Certainly, this is magnificent, a true expression of power. And now, as a shadow of the amazing and intricate world we live in, comes the metaverse. A world limited only by the imagination, diligence, and ability of an individual or a group of people that through lines of code can make a day last forever, or pass through it in an instant, turn the sky yellow, blue, red, purple, or any color their heart desires, or turn gravity off or on, fly a car into space (hahaha yes that’s right, fly a car into space!) because why not ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ノ⌐■-■.

And that’s the point, in the virtual world the limit is not the sky, it really is infinity. I hope this small reading kindles your interest in programming as every single person that joins the lines of the programmer, has the potential and ability to create a world that is yet to be defined with nothing else than a computer, and the power of creation at your fingertips.

