Understanding the Cynefin Framework and how we can use it

Diego Moscardi
10 min readSep 17, 2021


Cynefin was created in 1999 by Dave Snowden and was born with principles related to theories of how we perceive things. Cynefin (pronounced “kuh-nev-in”) is a word of Welsh origin that means habitat or place of many belongings.

When we talk about Frameworks, we already think about using a series of rules, roles, and restricted usage to a specific area. Differently from that, Cynefin is surprising, as it is a model that can be used in different sectors, at different levels in an organization and in different contexts, in fact context is the key word for Cynefin.

Its main use is for effective decision making based on the analysis of the context in which we are inserted.

Cynefin Domains

Cynefin is divided into 5 domains: Clear, Complicated, Complex, Chaotic and Disorder (which in this case has a sense of disorientation, Confusion, rather than mess). By analyzing a situation and understanding its context, we can categorize it into each of the domains and make the most effective decision.

Cynefin framework

Clear domain

Best Practices | Sense, Categorize, Respond

In this context, we are focused on following the best practices because in this domain all levels of knowledge are clear, and there is no margin for error, in fact the restrictions here are strict because the best practices have already been tested and currently reach the goals for which they were created , is the domain of the checklist.

In the concept of problems, the causes and effects here in this domain are known and we should use known best practices for resolution.

Ex.1- Production line: here you must follow the checklist, the work instruction and the best practices already studied for the efficiency of the production of any product.

Ex. 2: McDonald’s: every McDonald’s snack follows a checklist and the steps to build the product must be clear, in this case the snack, there are no margins for error, as an error can, for example, leave a consumer without some snack item .

Photo: Fábio Tito/G1

The error or neglect of best practices in the domain Of course, it can lead to just one correction (customer dissatisfied with not receiving the potato chips and who next time may cover the potato) or the “fall” to the Chaos domain (who here remembers the Chernobyl series, where neglect and the best practices checklist were ignored and then…the rest is history, and chaos too!) So, however much in this domain everything is clear and best practices are documented, Attention must be redoubled because any slip can be a direct passage to Chaos, which we’ll talk about later.

Neglect should not only be understood as a mistake, but also as a relaxed position where we don’t see the changes around us precisely because we always follow the process and the checklist. New competitors will come and do something better than you, but you keep your business on your default cheklist. This can also be a direct gateway to Chaos in the context of your business.

Complicated domain

Good Practices | Sense, Analyze, Respond

In the Complicated domain, good practices must be followed, as we don’t have a “best practice” as in the Clear domain, so we won’t have a checklist or an answer for everything. In this domain, an analysis requires the help of experts to have an effective response and good decision making.

When you stop Feeling and just categorize (we already have the best practice) it is necessary to analyze and then follow the best practices. The restrictions inherent here are based on governance (good practices).

Ex.1- Doctor, even though symptoms are most of the time always the same (checklist) the consultation with the doctor (specialist) is necessary so that we can make the best decision in relation to our health. It is not possible to always follow a step by step for each disease and many of us are unable to identify and act on a health problem.

Ex. 2 — A person intends to create a project for the construction of his house, from the foundation to the roof and finishing. This project enters the Complicated domain, because even though there are several houses and patterns, the help of a specialist (engineer, architect, foreman) is certainly necessary so that good construction practices are followed in this specific project.

Clear and Complicated domains are called ordered systems because they are more stable and we have a certain degree of predictability in both.

Complex domain

Emergent Practices | Probe, Sense, Respond

The Complex domain is the field of experimentation, observation, the level of complexity here makes you more adaptable. You need to discover, experiment and adapt. The restrictions here are adaptive and can change all the time due to the level of complexity.

This is the field of innovation, start-ups, research and development.

A good example that can be given here is the development of an innovative product, either for society or for some organization. The complexity level of ignorance makes it necessary short experiments, quick feedbacks and change of direction, otherwise Chaos is very close and if we don’t adapt this product tends to fail.

Chaotic Domain

Novel Practice | Act, Sense, Respond

The Chaotic domain brings the need for rapid and urgent change from the current status, there is no time to categorize, analyze or understand. The need here is of necessity and the order is to Act first, to move the status to another domain.

Cause and effect relationships are impossible to determine as they change quickly and there is no time for analysis.

Ex. 1- Can we talk about the Covid19 pandemic here? Perhaps, in many cases, the need to act quickly (blocking, reducing agglomerations, etc.) and then understanding and seeking a cure, vaccine, origin, etc. In other words, it was necessary to act first and put some restriction in this domain of unpredictability, guaranteeing the possibility of acting later in a complex, perhaps complicated domain.

Ex. 2- This example is very interesting and shows how the domain of Chaos works. You’ve definitely seen the video referred to in the image on the left. A bear breaks into the home of a resident of Bradbury in the United States and starts fighting with her dogs. She immediately to save the lives of her dogs and even her own. Now imagine if she stopped there to analyze the reason why the bear was there, call a wildlife specialist …. this time the story would be different. She acted, moved her context from Chaos and then yes, she could analyze and understand what happened.

Negligence: As I mentioned in the Clear domain, negligence in not following the best practices can make you take a “slip” into Chaos, the example of Chernobyl is one of them and another that can be given is in aviation, pilots have a checklist a are followed and whether the first compliant with these checklists can lead to the trip to Chaos. (Don’t be in the domain Of course how to fly a plane, but the parts of the process are documented and there is a checklist that must be followed to the letter to precisely prevent chaos)!


In Cynefin, this domain refers to the state of not being sure which domain we are in. That’s why Disorder here has a sense of disorientation rather than mess. Recently its name was changed to Confused, this domain, unlike Chaos, we have a lesser need to act quickly, and we can move to any of the other 4 domains. Here it may be necessary to break it down into smaller parts and fit those parts into each Cynefin domain.

Here a good example that can be given is a large organization, not that it is disorderly (remember that disorder here means lack of order and multiple order), but within it there are departments, divisions that work in the Clear environment (and need addition), and parties working on product development, innovation (Complex), as well as departments that are in the Complicated context. We can move this entire organization to a domain or we can break it down and each sub part of it work in a specific domain.

Why not a straight-line perfect quadrant?

Cynefin’s quadrant model takes into account the relief of the approach, in a Clear domain, as we have seen, the use of best practices is expected, but complacency can lead us to a high “fall” into Chaos. Returning to the Clear domain can be a difficult climb and the relief can demonstrate this in an interesting way. There is the possibility of working on domain borders, just as there are contexts that cross this border and return precisely to a rapid change of context that can generate something useful. In a Complex domain sometimes a Chaos-controlled pass is necessary even in the Light domain, causing a little Chaos can improve the context (antifragility applies here).

Where can I use Cynefin on a daily basis?

* In projects: We can use Cynefin for project management, both to separate our projects within a portfolio and place them in each Cynefin domain, so the approaches for each of them, as well as frameworks and tools will be different. Complex projects, for example, we can use Agile methodology, Clear projects we follow with waterfall.

We can also use it within projects, as each part of it may require different contexts and decision making must be different.

* Group leadership: Contextualizing leadership in each domain of Cynefin is very interesting, as sometimes we see leaders that are done wrongly and not by people, whether leaders or led, but by the lack of analysis of the context where they are. that leadership. Leading in a clear context does ask for a little more hierarchy and micromanagement, as we have seen Chaos is close at hand and there is not much room for error. In contexts with greater complexity, due to the need for experimentation and adaptation, we have to create a safe-to-fail environment, and the leadership must be more servant and intervene less in the team, letting them manage their activities and adapt.

Imagine an inversion, that is, invert the type of leader from Clear to Complex, based on the example given, we will certainly have a fall for Chaos in both contexts. Therefore, leaders must always understand the context they are inserted in and thus try to adapt their management style to each context (and it may be that there are leaders who are leading in more than one context).

*Career: Were you working in your environment Clear, with your routines, your day-to-day work and then…you came to Covid, you had to work outside the organization, it was necessary to adapt, experiment and see what it helped you in the development of your work and what no longer made sense, in a short time you went from Clear to Complex, with a brief passage through Chaos.

Adaptability and resilience are increasingly sought after skills in the market, those who cannot adapt may not only be unable to perform their best but may also have emotional problems because of it.

Using Cynefin in your career can be a good way to understand your situation, your current context and even rethink your decisions: is it worth a little dip in a Complex context? Could it be that my career is in a clear context and I have mastery of EVERYTHING I need to develop my work? I have the opinion that levels of complexity in your career always make you more motivated and make you pursue knowledge, professional development and contextualizing with Cynefin can be very useful here.


We saw that Cynefin is a framework that helps us in decision making. Sometimes we are working or living in a context that we never imagined, but having this knowledge of which context I am in can help in the next steps, we can avoid Chaos or even go against it, but in a controlled way.

To start using Cynefin you don’t need to draw anything on the wall or set up meetings with multiple people. Start small, contextualize your decisions and attitudes, see in which context you are in the most varied situations of your life, in your projects, for sure in some cases it won’t be very applicable, but in others maybe you have a gain that you didn’t imagine!

It is also worth noting that Cynefin has definitions for thresholds, boundaries between domains, there will soon be an article part 2 🙂, but for now to understand what it is and its application is enough to start using it!


Learn more! The items below were used by me as a reference in the writing of this article, if you want to learn more I suggest using them.



Diego Moscardi

IT | Digital Transformation | Agile | Project Management