How to Make Your Husband Happy When He Is Angry With You (What to Do If My Husband Is Angry With Me)

Diego Ivan, Ph.D.
6 min readApr 8, 2024


Photo by Siavash Ghanbari on Unsplash

Feeling lost and uncertain when your husband is angry with you is a common experience in many relationships. As someone with over a decade of experience helping couples navigate through challenging times, I understand the complexities and emotions involved. It can be frustrating and overwhelming, but remember, you’re not alone. Today, I want to share practical strategies and insights on how to make your husband happy when he’s angry with you.

Just the other day, I received an email from a woman named Lydia who was feeling lost and frustrated because her husband had been unusually angry with her for the past week. She shared how they used to have such joyful moments together, but lately, it seemed like every little thing she did annoyed him. Lydia’s email was filled with a mix of sadness, confusion, and a genuine desire to mend their relationship.

Lydia recounted a recent incident where she accidentally forgot about plans they had made for a romantic dinner. Her husband, usually understanding, had reacted with unexpected anger, leaving her taken aback. She tried to apologize and make amends, but his mood remained sour, and they ended up spending the evening in tense silence.

As she poured her heart out in the email, Lydia expressed how much she missed the laughter and warmth they used to share. Her email ended with a heartfelt plea: “Is there a way to make him happy again when he’s so angry with me?”

Now, if you’re resonating with Lydia’s experience, know that you’re not alone. Conflict is a natural part of any relationship, and handling it with grace and understanding can pave the way for deeper connection and happiness. Here’s a roadmap to help you navigate these rough waters and make your husband happy again, even when he’s angry with you.

1. Approach with Empathy

Approaching your husband with empathy can be a game-changer in defusing his anger. Put yourself in his shoes and try to understand the emotions driving his reactions. Is he stressed from work, worried about finances, or feeling unheard in the relationship? By showing empathy, you create a safe space for him to express his feelings without fear of judgment or dismissal. This doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything he says, but it does mean acknowledging his emotions as valid and worthy of consideration.

Empathy opens the door to meaningful conversations and lays the foundation for mutual respect and understanding. It communicates to your husband that you value his feelings and are willing to listen with an open heart. This approach can often de-escalate tense situations and pave the way for productive dialogue aimed at finding solutions rather than escalating conflict.

2. Engage in Active Listening

Active listening is a powerful communication tool that can foster deeper connections and resolve misunderstandings. When your husband is angry, resist the urge to interrupt or defend yourself immediately. Instead, focus on truly hearing what he’s saying. Maintain eye contact, nod to show you’re engaged, and paraphrase his words to ensure you’ve grasped his perspective accurately. This not only demonstrates respect for his thoughts but also helps clarify any misinterpretations or assumptions.

By actively listening, you show your husband that his words matter and that you’re committed to resolving the issue constructively. It also gives him the space to vent his emotions, which can often lead to a sense of relief and openness to finding common ground. Remember, listening doesn’t mean agreeing; it means valuing his voice and fostering a dialogue based on mutual understanding and respect.

3. Take Responsibility

Taking responsibility for your part in the conflict shows maturity and a willingness to improve the relationship. Reflect on how your words or actions may have contributed to your husband’s anger, and acknowledge any mistakes or misunderstandings. A sincere apology can be a powerful catalyst for healing and rebuilding trust.

When taking responsibility, avoid making excuses or shifting blame. Own up to your actions and express genuine remorse. For example, say, “I realize I could have handled that situation better, and I’m sorry for any hurt I caused,” rather than making excuses like, “I was just stressed, so I reacted that way.” This level of accountability demonstrates your commitment to growth and fosters a culture of honesty and vulnerability in your relationship.

4. Stay Calm and Assertive

Maintaining a calm and assertive demeanor is key when dealing with your husband’s anger. Responding with heightened emotions or defensiveness can escalate the conflict further. Instead, focus on keeping your tone even and your body language open. Take deep breaths if you feel yourself getting worked up, and remind yourself that you have the power to influence the tone of the conversation.

Being assertive means expressing your thoughts and feelings clearly and confidently while respecting your husband’s perspective. Use “I” statements to convey how his behavior affects you without placing blame. For example, say, “I feel hurt when you raise your voice,” instead of “You always make me feel bad.” This approach encourages healthy communication and sets a respectful tone for addressing concerns.

5. Focus on Positive Interactions

In the midst of conflicts or when your husband is angry with you, it’s crucial to prioritize positive interactions to balance the emotional scale. One effective way to do this is by planning small but thoughtful gestures that cater to your husband’s preferences and interests. For example, if he loves a particular cuisine, surprise him by cooking his favorite dish or ordering from his favorite restaurant. The element of surprise coupled with the effort you put into catering to his tastes can significantly brighten his mood and remind him of the love and care you have for him.

Moreover, engaging in activities that you both enjoy can create shared moments of joy and relaxation. Consider planning a movie night with his favorite films or series, complete with cozy blankets and snacks. Alternatively, suggest going for a leisurely walk in a park or scenic area where you can connect without the distractions of daily life. These shared experiences not only foster positive emotions but also strengthen your bond as a couple by creating cherished memories together.

So, if you find yourself facing your husband’s anger, take a deep breath, remind yourself that challenges are opportunities for growth, and approach the situation with a compassionate heart. You have the power to mend ties, reignite happiness, and strengthen the bond you share with your husband.

If you’ve found the insights and advice in this article helpful, and you’re looking for more guidance, then it’s time to take the next step. Click here to discover additional strategies and tips on strengthening your marriage and navigating conflicts with your husband.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that dives deeper into the strategies discussed in this article. This guide provides additional tips, real-life examples, and expert insights to support you in fostering a happier and more harmonious relationship with your husband. Whether you’re facing challenges or simply want to enhance your communication skills, this guide offers valuable resources to empower you on your journey towards marital bliss.

Don’t let misunderstandings and conflicts strain your marriage. Take proactive steps today to strengthen your relationship and foster a deeper connection with your husband. Click right here to discover practical strategies and insights on how to navigate challenging situations and make your husband happy again. Your marriage deserves nurturing and care, and by investing in positive communication and understanding, you can build a strong foundation for lasting happiness together. Click here now to learn more!



Diego Ivan, Ph.D.

I'm a compassionate marriage counselor with a passion for helping couples navigate challenges and strengthen their relationships.