My Long Distance Marriage Is Falling Apart (How to Keep a Long Distance Marriage Strong)

Diego Ivan, Ph.D.
6 min readApr 13, 2024


Photo by Zack Minor on Unsplash

Are you feeling the strain of distance on your marriage? The longing for physical closeness, the challenges of communication across miles, the fear of growing apart — these are all too familiar for many couples navigating a long-distance relationship. But fret not, because in this article, I’m going to share practical insights and strategies that can help you keep your long-distance marriage strong and thriving.

Recently, I received an email from a client named Bella (name changed for privacy). She reached out to me with a heartfelt message, detailing the challenges she and her husband were experiencing in their long-distance marriage. Bella painted a vivid picture of their relationship before the distance crept in — a time filled with deep conversations, shared experiences, and unwavering support for each other’s dreams. They used to spend hours talking about everything under the sun, from their future plans to the mundane details of their day. However, as work commitments led them down separate paths, the once seamless flow of communication began to falter. Bella described how their conversations became shorter and more sporadic, leaving them feeling disconnected and lonely.

Despite their efforts to stay connected through calls, texts, and occasional video chats, the physical separation took its toll on their emotional bond. Bella shared how she longed to feel that same closeness they once had, where every word shared felt like a warm embrace. She expressed her worries about drifting apart and questioned whether their love could withstand the distance indefinitely. Her email ended with a poignant question that echoed the doubts and fears many couples in long-distance marriages may face: “How do we bridge the emotional gap when miles apart, and can love truly thrive in the absence of physical presence?”

Bella’s situation is a familiar one for many couples in long-distance relationships. The challenges of physical separation can put a strain on even the strongest bonds. However, it’s important to remember that distance doesn’t have to mean disconnection. Let’s explore some strategies to help you nurture your long-distance marriage and keep the love alive.

1. Embrace Technology

Technology is a powerful ally in overcoming the challenges of a long-distance marriage. Embrace digital tools and platforms that facilitate communication and connection. Video calls, instant messaging apps, and social media allow you to stay in touch throughout the day, bridging the physical gap. Schedule regular video dates where you can see each other’s smiles, hear each other’s voices, and share moments as if you were together in person.

Get creative with technology to make your interactions more engaging and meaningful. Send surprise messages, voice recordings, or virtual hugs to express affection and thoughtfulness. Use shared calendars or apps designed for couples to plan activities together, set goals, and track progress. Technology can enhance your communication, deepen emotional intimacy, and make the distance feel less daunting by fostering a sense of togetherness despite being apart.

2. Quality Over Quantity

Quality interactions are the lifeblood of a thriving long-distance marriage. It’s not just about the number of messages exchanged or calls made; it’s about the depth of connection in those moments. Instead of rushing through conversations, take the time to truly engage with each other. Share your innermost thoughts, fears, and aspirations. Ask meaningful questions that invite introspection and vulnerability. When both partners actively participate and listen empathetically, even a short conversation can leave a lasting impact.

Quality time also extends beyond verbal communication. Consider engaging in activities together, albeit virtually. Watch a movie simultaneously while video chatting, play online games, or cook the same recipe and enjoy a virtual dinner date. These shared experiences create memories and reinforce the bond between you, making the distance feel more manageable.

3. Maintain Trust and Transparency

Trust is like a fragile vase; once broken, it’s challenging to restore. In a long-distance marriage, trust becomes even more crucial. Be transparent about your whereabouts, daily activities, and interactions with others. Avoid secrecy or actions that could sow seeds of doubt. If there are concerns or insecurities, address them honestly and respectfully. Trust is not just about fidelity; it’s also about reliability, honesty, and emotional support. Show your partner that they can depend on you, even from afar, and encourage open communication without fear of judgment.

Transparency goes hand in hand with trust. Share your feelings openly and encourage your partner to do the same. Bottling up emotions or hiding concerns can lead to misunderstandings and resentment. Create a safe space where both of you can express yourselves authentically, knowing that your words will be heard and respected. By nurturing trust and transparency, you build a strong foundation for your long-distance marriage to thrive despite the challenges.

4. Shared Goals and Dreams

Maintaining a strong connection in a long-distance marriage is easier when you have shared goals and dreams to pursue together. Take time to discuss your aspirations, both as individuals and as a couple. Whether it’s career milestones, travel plans, or personal growth objectives, aligning your visions creates a sense of unity and purpose. Set realistic timelines and action steps to work towards these goals collaboratively, celebrating achievements along the way.

Having shared dreams fosters a sense of belonging and partnership, reinforcing your commitment to each other despite the distance. Regularly revisit your goals, adapt them as needed, and support each other’s aspirations wholeheartedly. Knowing that you’re building a future together can provide reassurance during challenging times and strengthen the foundation of your long-distance marriage.

5. Plan Regular Visits

Physical presence is irreplaceable in a marriage, especially when distance separates you. Plan regular visits to see each other in person, even if they are short and infrequent. The anticipation of upcoming visits can reignite excitement and provide something tangible to look forward to amidst the distance. Coordinate your schedules and prioritize these reunions as essential moments to reconnect and strengthen your bond. Whether it’s a weekend getaway, a holiday celebration, or simply spending quality time together at home, cherish these opportunities for intimacy and shared experiences.

During visits, create memorable moments by planning activities that both of you enjoy. Explore new places, revisit favorite spots, or simply unwind and relax together. Disconnect from distractions and focus on being fully present with each other. Physical touch, eye contact, and shared laughter during these visits can rekindle the passion and closeness in your marriage, sustaining you until the next reunion.

While maintaining a strong long-distance marriage requires effort and commitment, it’s entirely possible to nurture love and intimacy despite the miles. By prioritizing shared experiences, you can weather the challenges and emerge with a deeper connection and a stronger bond.

If you’ve found the insights and advice in this article helpful, and you’re looking for more guidance, then it’s time to take the next step. Click here to discover additional tips and strategies for strengthening your long-distance marriage and fostering a deeper connection with your spouse.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that dives deeper into the strategies discussed in this article. This guide offers actionable tips, exercises, and real-life examples to help you implement these strategies effectively in your long-distance marriage. Whether you’re just starting your long-distance marriage or seeking to revitalize an existing relationship, this guide is a valuable resource.

Don’t let distance dim the spark in your marriage. Take a proactive step today towards nurturing a stronger, more resilient connection with your spouse. Click right here to discover practical strategies and insights on how to keep your long-distance marriage thriving against the odds. Your relationship deserves the investment.



Diego Ivan, Ph.D.

I'm a compassionate marriage counselor with a passion for helping couples navigate challenges and strengthen their relationships.