I should never write a blog! But I will anyway! #dealwiththat
An echo was always repeated to my conscious self by my mind…
Who are you to give anyone life advice? You are not that special
That was pretty much the phrase that would pop up in my head every time I attempt to write a blog, or just share any of my points of view online. Then I realize that if I made it about other people than my mind is damn right to shove that in my face, I'm no one. But it's not about other people, it has never been. It's about myself, and how putting all that self-analyzes into writing, would help me process stuff.
So, although I have to craft this post title to optimize my chances of getting read and other SOE stuff. Make no mistake, this blog post is about me, myself and I., Of course, I expect the content to be engaging enough, to also assure myself as a content creator and marketer (fancy French accent here!). But that will be just the bonus. What I really need is some good self-therapy.
I'm turning 30 in 52 days. I could not care less about the number if it was not so precisely placed in a moment in my life where so much is changing. I repeat, the number itself means nothing to me. I wish I could justify it with some cabalistic encounter of the starts, but it happens just to be the culmination of a bunch of random, weird, scary, happy and sad moments of the past 30 years.
I decide I have to go deeper into this self-analyzes. I have to understand what has brought me here. When I look back it seems random at times, logical and well planned at others. Maybe, and just maybe! If I look back at my twenties, my teens, whatever memory is left from my childhood, I can better understand the choices I've made. And hopefully, the right ones' will guide me in the next 10 years, into my forties — Oh, Lord! — Thank God I'm vegan, that helps with the physical aging.
You are invited to what is going to be a series of 12 posts. No ambition here, one post per month. As I said in the beginning, this is not about you dear reader, it's about me. Investigating my past, cutting my heart open for my despair and for your amusement.
Tag along, let's cry and laugh together. I promise I will research the topics I decide to talk about. First, because it's the only way of truly understanding how it relates to my life experiences. Second, because I'm a freaking nerd, that needs proof of everything.