Published inFlutter CommunityFlutter: SliverAppBar with Stretchy HeaderWooo after a long time that I didn’t write, this was because I was busy at work, making videos on the YouTube channel (The Dart Side)…Apr 22, 20205Apr 22, 20205
Published inFlutter CommunityFlutter: Increase the power of your AppBar & SliverAppBarIn Flutter to create a toolbar we use the well-known AppBar widget, and when we want a dynamic toolbar that when we slide it shows us…Jun 7, 20198Jun 7, 20198
Published inComunidad FlutterComunicación entre WidgetsEste artículo es una traducción al español de la que escribí originalmente y lo puedes encontrar en el siguiente enlace.Mar 21, 20191Mar 21, 20191
Published inFlutter CommunityFlutter: Communication between widgetsI have seen this question many times in StackOverflow and in other forums / social networks, when we started with Flutter, we have the…Mar 21, 201910Mar 21, 201910
Flutter: App Clone — Android MessagesI have created this new section named App Clone, in which I will try to clone the screens of some known apps, as the first example I will…Nov 29, 20181Nov 29, 20181
Flutter : let’s know the ScrollController and ScrollNotificationIn the majority of the apps we do, we have at least one Scrollable Widget.Oct 23, 201819Oct 23, 201819
Flutter : Widget Size and PositionI have read many questions about how we can obtain the dimensions or positions of the widgets that we have on screen.Sep 24, 201816Sep 24, 201816
Flutter : Firebase Dynamic LinkI’m going to tell you about my experience using Firebase Dynamic Link into a Flutter project.Aug 7, 201820Aug 7, 201820
Flutter : Shared Element Transitions — Hero — HeroesAs Android developers, most of us have seen the Shared Element Transition, if we have not seen it, I will explain what it is.Jul 30, 20182Jul 30, 20182
Flutter : Collapsing Toolbar — Sliver App BarThe Collapsing Toolbar is UI component widely used in our applications today. It consists of displaying an image or background in the upper…Jul 10, 201831Jul 10, 201831