How: New View at Catalyst Optimizer in Apache Spark

Ankush Singh
4 min readJun 12, 2023


Spark Catalyst Optmizer

Understanding the innards of Apache Spark is like cracking open a data engineer’s treasure chest. Among the gemstones you’ll find inside, the Catalyst Optimizer shines the brightest. This advanced optimization framework fuels the impressive performance capabilities of Spark, enabling faster and more efficient data processing.

In this blog post, we’re going to explore the world of Catalyst Optimizer, how it works, and how it dramatically improves the performance of your Spark applications. Ready to spark your knowledge? Let’s dive in!

What is Catalyst Optimizer?

Catalyst Optimizer is an integral part of Apache Spark SQL, designed to optimize the execution of Spark SQL queries. Launched as a part of Spark 1.2, Catalyst employs a wide range of cutting-edge optimization techniques. Its main goal is to reduce the time of query execution, enabling Spark to analyze, organize, and execute jobs more efficiently.

The magic of Catalyst lies in its modular architecture. It features a pluggable system that allows developers to inject custom optimization strategies. This level of extensibility is a significant leap in the big data ecosystem and opens up possibilities for fine-tuning Spark applications to suit specific business needs.

How does Catalyst Optimizer Work?

The functioning of Catalyst Optimizer can be segmented into four primary phases:

  1. Parsing: In this phase, Catalyst converts SQL queries into an abstract syntax tree (AST), which represents the structure of the query in a way that is easier for the computer to understand.
  2. Analysis: Next, Catalyst verifies the AST for semantic correctness. It resolves attributes by looking at catalog information and also resolves functions. The output of this phase is a “resolved logical plan.”
  3. Logical Optimization: Here, the Catalyst Optimizer applies a series of rule-based optimizations to the resolved logical plan. Some standard techniques include predicate pushdown, projection pruning, and Boolean simplifications.
  4. Physical Planning: The logical plan is now converted into one or more physical plans. Then, Catalyst selects the most optimal physical plan using cost-based optimization, where the cost of each plan is estimated based on the sizes of its inputs.
  5. Code Generation: Finally, Catalyst generates JVM bytecode to run the selected physical plan. This stage uses ‘whole-stage code generation’, which compiles multiple operators into a single function, eliminating the overhead of invoking multiple functions.

The Impact of Catalyst Optimizer

The Catalyst Optimizer’s rule-based and cost-based optimizations translate into faster execution times and reduced resource usage. The following are some examples of optimizations done by Catalyst:

  1. Predicate Pushdown: Catalyst pushes filtering operations as close as possible to the data source, reducing the amount of data read into memory.
  2. Constant Folding: Catalyst replaces expressions involving constants with their equivalent constant value to reduce unnecessary computation.
  3. Projection Pruning: Only the columns needed for the final result are read and processed, improving efficiency.
  4. Join Reordering: Catalyst determines the most efficient order in which to join tables, based on their sizes.

With its ability to transform and optimize Spark SQL queries, the Catalyst Optimizer is a critical component of Apache Spark that significantly enhances its efficiency. Understanding how Catalyst works can be a game-changer when optimizing Spark jobs, helping you get the most out of your big data processing capabilities.

Predicate Pushdown

Predicate Pushdown is an optimization technique where Spark pushes down predicates (i.e., filter conditions) as close to the data source as possible. By doing this, Spark minimizes the amount of data that needs to be loaded into memory, thus speeding up processing times.

Here's a simple example of how Spark uses Predicate Pushdown when reading from Parquet files:

val df ="/path/to/parquet")
val filtered = df.filter("age > 30")

ven though we're only applying the filter after loading the Parquet file, Spark is smart enough to push down this filter and only read records where age > 30 from the Parquet file, reducing I/O operations.

Constant Folding

Constant Folding is an optimization technique where the optimizer evaluates constant expressions at compile time rather than at runtime. This results in less computation during job execution.

Consider this Spark code:

val df ="/path/to/parquet")
val result = df.selectExpr("age + 10 as age_plus_ten")

Here, age + 10 is a constant expression. Spark evaluates this at compile time, so it doesn't need to add 10 for every row during runtime.

Projection Pruning

Projection Pruning is a technique used by Spark to omit unnecessary columns from the data. It only reads the columns needed for the final result, which reduces the amount of data processed and thus improves efficiency.

val df ="/path/to/parquet")
val selectedColumns ="name", "age")

Even if the Parquet file contains many other columns, Spark will only read the name and age columns, significantly reducing I/O operations.

Join Reordering

Join Reordering is an optimization strategy where Catalyst determines the most efficient order to join tables based on their sizes. This can significantly reduce the amount of data that needs to be shuffled around during join operations.

Let’s say we have three DataFrames: df1, df2, df3, with df1 significantly larger than df2 and df3. Consider the following join operation:

val result = df1.join(df2, "id").join(df3, "id")

ven though df1 is joined first with df2 in the code, Catalyst may decide to first join df2 and df3 (since they are smaller), and then join the result with df1, to minimize the amount of data that needs to be shuffled.

Each of these optimization techniques plays a critical role in making Apache Spark a high-performance processing engine. Understanding them can help you write more efficient Spark code and troubleshoot performance issues.

Read Another Blog:

  1. Spark’s Job, Stage, Task with Example

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Ankush Singh

Data Engineer turning raw data into gold. Python, SQL and Spark enthusiast. Expert in ETL and data pipelines. Making data work for you. Freelancer & Consultant