What are: Job, Stage, and Task in Apache Spark

Ankush Singh
5 min readJun 11, 2023


Job vs Stage vs Task

In the data processing landscape, Apache Spark stands as one of the most popular and efficient frameworks that handles big data analytics. Spark’s unique feature lies in its ability to process large datasets with lightning speed, thanks to its in-memory computing capabilities. As a programmer working with Spark and Scala, it’s important to understand its internal workings — particularly the core concepts of Jobs, Stages, and Tasks. In this blog, we’ll delve deep into these concepts.

Concept of Job in Spark

A job in Spark refers to a sequence of transformations on data. Whenever an action like count(), first(), collect(), and save() is called on RDD (Resilient Distributed Datasets), a job is created. A job could be thought of as the total work that your Spark application needs to perform, broken down into a series of steps.

Consider a scenario where you’re executing a Spark program, and you call the action count() to get the number of elements. This will create a Spark job. If further in your program, you call collect(), another job will be created. So, a Spark application could have multiple jobs, depending upon the number of actions.

Concept of Stage in Spark

A stage in Spark represents a sequence of transformations that can be executed in a single pass, i.e., without any shuffling of data. When a job is divided, it is split into stages. Each stage comprises tasks, and all the tasks within a stage perform the same computation.

The boundary between two stages is drawn when transformations cause data shuffling across partitions. Transformations in Spark are categorized into two types: narrow and wide. Narrow transformations, like map(), filter(), and union(), can be done within a single partition. But for wide transformations like groupByKey(), reduceByKey(), or join(), data from all partitions may need to be combined, thus necessitating shuffling and marking the start of a new stage.

Concept of Task in Spark

A task in Spark is the smallest unit of work that can be scheduled. Each stage is divided into tasks. A task is a unit of execution that runs on a single machine. When a stage comprises transformations on an RDD, those transformations are packaged into a task to be executed on a single executor.

For example, if you have a Spark job that is divided into two stages and you’re running it on a cluster with two executors, each stage could be divided into two tasks. Each executor would then run a task in parallel, performing the transformations defined in that task on its subset of the data.

In summary, a Spark job is split into multiple stages at the points where data shuffling is needed, and each stage is split into tasks that run the same code on different data partitions.

Explaination with Example

Let’s take an example where we read a CSV file, perform some transformations on the data, and then run an action to demonstrate the concepts of job, stage, and task in Spark with Scala.

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

// Create a Spark Session
val spark = SparkSession.builder
.appName("Spark Job Stage Task Example")

// Read a CSV file - this is a transformation and doesn't trigger a job
val data = spark.read.option("header", "true").csv("path/to/your/file.csv")

// Perform a transformation to create a new DataFrame with an added column
// This also doesn't trigger a job, as it's a transformation (not an action)
val transformedData = data.withColumn("new_column", data("existing_column") * 2)

// Now, call an action - this triggers a Spark job
val result = transformedData.count()



In the above code:

  1. A Job is triggered when we call the action count(). This is where Spark schedules tasks to be run.
  2. Stages are created based on transformations. In this example, we have two transformations (read.csv and withColumn). However, these two transformations belong to the same stage since there's no data shuffling between them.
  3. Tasks are the smallest unit of work, sent to one executor. The number of tasks depends on the number of data partitions. Each task performs transformations on a chunk of data.

To visualize the job, stages, and tasks, you can use the Spark web UI at http://localhost:4040 (default URL) while your Spark application is running. It gives you a detailed overview of your job's stages and tasks.

Mastering Spark’s Execution Concepts

Now that we’ve covered the fundamentals of Apache Spark’s concepts of jobs, stages, and tasks, it’s time to dig deeper. By fully understanding these intricacies, you can create more efficient applications and truly harness the power of Spark’s computational capabilities. Here are some topics for further exploration:

1. Catalyst Optimizer:

Spark uses an advanced optimization framework known as Catalyst Optimizer, which optimizes the execution plan of Spark jobs. Catalyst applies logical optimizations to the computation plan, including predicate pushdown and constant folding, followed by physical optimizations, where it decides on join algorithms and data structures. Understanding how Catalyst works can help you write more efficient transformations.

2. Narrow and Wide Transformations:

We’ve briefly touched on narrow and wide transformations, but delving deeper into these concepts is key to optimizing your Spark jobs. Narrow transformations, such as map and filter, don’t require shuffling of data across partitions, while wide transformations, like groupByKey and reduceByKey, do require data shuffling. Minimizing wide transformations can significantly improve performance.

3. Spark’s Scheduling:

Learn more about how Spark schedules stages and tasks. Spark uses a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) scheduler, which schedules stages of tasks. The TaskScheduler is responsible for sending tasks to the cluster, running them, retrying if there are failures, and mitigating stragglers. The scheduler can have a significant impact on the performance of your application.

4. Data Partitioning:

Understanding how data is partitioned in Spark can give you more control over how tasks are distributed and executed, which is essential for managing large datasets. Discover how to manually control the partitioning to optimize data locality and reduce network I/O.

5. Understanding Spark UI:

The Spark application UI is a great tool to monitor the details of your job, including the DAG visualization of stages, tasks status, and event timeline. It can be a powerful tool to identify bottlenecks and understand the execution flow.

Each of these topics represents a deeper dive into the world of Spark’s computational model.

Blogs comming soon on these topics. Stay tuned!!!

Wrapping up

Understanding the concepts of Jobs, Stages, and Tasks in Spark can be highly beneficial to optimize your Spark applications and achieve the best performance. These concepts lay the groundwork for the efficient use of distributed processing in Spark, which allows it to process large datasets quickly and efficiently. Whether you’re a beginner just starting out with Spark and Scala, or a seasoned professional looking to sharpen your knowledge, understanding these key concepts will give you a solid foundation in working with this powerful data processing tool.

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Ankush Singh

Data Engineer turning raw data into gold. Python, SQL and Spark enthusiast. Expert in ETL and data pipelines. Making data work for you. Freelancer & Consultant