Why Parquet vs. ORC: An In-depth Comparison of File Formats

Ankush Singh
5 min readJun 5, 2023


parquet vs orc

If you work in the field of data engineering, data warehousing, or big data analytics, you’re likely no stranger to dealing with large datasets. When dealing with such data, choosing the right file format for storage and processing can make a significant difference in performance, efficiency, and the overall success of your data operations. In this blog post, we will discuss two of the most popular file formats: Apache Parquet and Optimized Row Columnar (ORC). We’ll compare their features, pros, cons, and typical use cases to help you make an informed decision about the best format for your specific needs.

Apache Parquet

Apache Parquet is a columnar storage file format available to any project in the Hadoop ecosystem. It’s designed for efficiency and performance, and it’s particularly well-suited for running complex queries on large datasets.

Pros of Parquet:

  1. Columnar Storage: Unlike row-based files, Parquet is columnar-oriented. This means it stores data by columns, which allows for more efficient disk I/O and compression. It reduces the amount of data transferred from disk to memory, leading to faster query performance.
  2. Schema Evolution: Parquet supports complex nested data structures, and allows for schema evolution. This means that as the schema of your data evolves, Parquet can adapt to those changes.
  3. Compression: Parquet has good compression and encoding schemes. It reduces the disk storage space and improves performance, especially for columnar data retrieval, which is a common case in data analytics.

Cons of Parquet:

  1. Write-heavy Workloads: Since Parquet performs column-wise compression and encoding, the cost of writing data can be high for write-heavy workloads.
  2. Small Data Sets: Parquet may not be the best choice for small datasets because the advantages of its columnar storage model aren’t as pronounced.

Use Cases for Parquet:

Parquet is an excellent choice when dealing with large, complex, and nested data structures, especially for read-heavy workloads or when you want to perform analytics using tools like Apache Spark or Apache Arrow. Its columnar storage approach makes it an excellent choice for data warehousing solutions where aggregation queries are common.

Optimized Row Columnar (ORC)

ORC is another popular file format in the Hadoop ecosystem. It’s a self-describing, type-aware columnar file format designed for Hadoop workloads.

Pros of ORC:

  1. Compression: ORC provides impressive compression rates that minimize storage space. It also includes lightweight indexes stored within the file, helping to improve read performance.
  2. Complex Types: ORC supports complex types, including structs, lists, maps, and union types.
  3. ACID Transactions: ORC files work very well with ACID transactions in Hive, providing features like update, delete, and merge.

Cons of ORC:

  1. Less Community Support: Compared to Parquet, ORC has less community support, meaning fewer resources, libraries, and tools for this file format.
  2. Write Costs: Similar to Parquet, ORC may have high write costs due to its columnar nature.

Use Cases for ORC:

ORC is commonly used in cases where high-speed writing is necessary, particularly with Hive-based frameworks. It also suits well when data modifications (updates and deletes) are needed in your use case because it supports ACID properties. Lastly, ORC is a good choice when using complex and nested data types.

Comparison of Parquet and ORC in a tabular format

Parquet Vs Orc

Frequently Asked Questions about Parquet and ORC

  1. Q: What are Parquet and ORC file formats?
  2. A: Parquet and ORC (Optimized Row Columnar) are two popular columnar storage file formats used in the Hadoop ecosystem. Both are designed for efficiency and performance when handling large datasets.
  3. Q: What are the main differences between Parquet and ORC?
  4. A: Both are columnar storage formats but have different strengths. Parquet is highly optimized for read-heavy workloads and works exceptionally well with analytical tools like Apache Spark. ORC, on the other hand, is more suitable for write-heavy tasks and supports ACID transactions in Hive.
  5. Q: Is Parquet better than ORC?
  6. A: It depends on the specific use case. Parquet is typically better for analytical workloads and when working with large and complex data structures. ORC is more ideal for write-intensive tasks and when data modifications are necessary.
  7. Q: When should I use ORC instead of Parquet?
  8. A: You should consider using ORC if you’re dealing with write-heavy tasks or when you need to frequently modify (update or delete) your data. ORC’s support for ACID transactions in Hive also makes it a suitable choice for these cases.
  9. Q: Can I use both Parquet and ORC in the same project?
  10. A: Yes, it is possible to use both in the same project, depending on your needs. For instance, you might use Parquet for storing large datasets for analytics, while ORC could be used for storing data that requires frequent updates or deletions.
  11. Q: Does ORC or Parquet support complex data types?
  12. A: Yes, both file formats support complex and nested data structures. They also both allow for schema evolution, although Parquet is generally more flexible in this regard.
  13. Q: Which file format has better compression, Parquet or ORC?
  14. A: Both Parquet and ORC offer efficient compression schemes, reducing the storage space needed for your data. Parquet provides efficient column-wise compression, while ORC offers notable overall compression with lightweight indexes to improve read performance.
  15. Q: Which file format has better community support, Parquet or ORC?
  16. A: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Parquet generally has broader community support with more available tools, libraries, and resources compared to ORC.


Both Parquet and ORC file formats have their strengths and are best suited for different types of tasks. Parquet shines in read-heavy analytical workloads, offering outstanding performance with columnar storage. On the other hand, ORC is a fantastic choice when dealing with write-intensive tasks, offering excellent compression rates and support for ACID transactions.

Your choice between Parquet and ORC will depend on your specific requirements, the nature of your data, and the kind of operations you need to perform. By understanding their advantages, limitations, and ideal use-cases, you can make the most of these powerful file formats in your data engineering tasks.



Ankush Singh

Data Engineer turning raw data into gold. Python, SQL and Spark enthusiast. Expert in ETL and data pipelines. Making data work for you. Freelancer & Consultant