Why: Practical Applications of Decision Trees (Part 2)

Ankush Singh
3 min readJun 8, 2023


Decision Tree

We’ve previously introduced the concept of Decision Trees, a versatile tool in the machine learning toolbox. However, you may still be wondering how these abstract concepts relate to your everyday life. In this blog post, we’ll explore some practical applications of decision trees that may surprise you.

What Are Decision Trees Used For?

As mentioned in our previous post, decision trees can be used for both classification and regression tasks. This makes them highly flexible and suitable for a wide array of problems. Let’s delve into some specific use cases.

1. Decision Making

In daily life, we use decision trees without even realizing it. For instance, imagine you’re trying to decide what to wear in the morning. You might ask yourself:

  • “What’s the weather like?” (root node)
  • If it’s hot, you might choose to wear a t-shirt (leaf node).
  • If it’s cold (decision node), you might ask yourself:
  • “Will it rain?” (another decision node)
  • If yes, you’d wear a jacket and take an umbrella (leaf node).
  • If no, you might just wear a sweater (leaf node).

This simple example represents a decision tree in real life. Similarly, businesses use decision trees to help make decisions about strategies, investments, and operations.

2. Health Care

In healthcare, decision trees can help medical professionals with diagnoses. For example, based on symptoms (decision nodes), a doctor can narrow down the possible conditions (leaf nodes). This can be particularly useful for initial screening or in rural areas where there is a lack of specialized healthcare professionals.

3. Financial Analysis

In the financial sector, decision trees are used in options pricing and strategy development. They can model possible future price movements based on different market conditions to help investors make informed decisions.

4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Companies use decision trees to predict customer behavior, such as whether a customer will churn or respond positively to a marketing campaign. Based on different characteristics (e.g., age, purchase history, browsing behavior), a company can categorize customers and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.

5. Quality Control

In manufacturing and quality control, decision trees can be used to predict whether a product will fail a quality assurance test based on different measurements and conditions during the manufacturing process.

6. Fraud Detection

Decision trees can help detect fraud by identifying patterns in transactions. Based on parameters like transaction frequency, amount, and location, a decision tree model can flag suspicious activities for further investigation.

7. Recommendation Systems

Many online platforms use decision trees as part of their recommendation algorithms. For example, Netflix or Spotify may use decision trees to determine what movies or songs to recommend based on a user’s past viewing or listening habits, demographic information, and preferences.

Wrapping Up

Decision trees are all around us, aiding decision-making in a variety of fields. They can help us make informed decisions, identify patterns, predict future events, and even assist in medical diagnoses. While the algorithm’s mechanics might be complex, its applications can be as simple as choosing what to wear.

In our next article, we’ll dive deeper into how to implement decision trees using Python and scikit-learn, so stay tuned!

Until then, happy decision-making with decision trees!



Ankush Singh

Data Engineer turning raw data into gold. Python, SQL and Spark enthusiast. Expert in ETL and data pipelines. Making data work for you. Freelancer & Consultant