Healthy Body+ Healthy Mind= Happy Life

Sampada pardeep
4 min readAug 12, 2017


“Your body hears everything, your mind says” — NEOMI JUDD

A healthy person can think normally and act instantly according to the given situation. Healthy body is free from diseases and it doesn’t leads to bulky body. Healthy mind is capable, positive and free thinking mind.

Feeling of hunger comes from stem of brain. The part responsible for hunger and other basic motivated states is called as hypothalamus. It has sensors that literally taste the blood. They detect levels of fat, protein and glucose, as well as blood pressure and temperature. The hypothalamus gathers this data and combines it with sensory signals that percolate in through other systems in the brain, fullness in the gut, the feel and taste and smell of food, the sight of food, even the time of day and other surrounding circumstances.

“Your body can do anything it’s your brain you have to convince” for this cognitive behaviour therapy can help. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave. It’s most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, but can be useful for other mental and physical health problems.

Cognitive behavioural treatment is the approach most often used because it deals with both thinking patterns and behaviour. Some areas that are addressed through cognitive behavioural treatment include:

* Readiness for change — This involves an awareness of what needs to be done to achieve your goals and then making a commitment to do it.

* Learning how to self-monitor — Self-monitoring helps you become more aware of what triggers you to eat in the moment, and more mindful of your food choices and portions. It also helps you stay focused on achieving long-term progress.

* Breaking linkages — The focus here is on stimulus control, such as not eating in particular settings, and not keeping unhealthy food choices in your home. Cognitive behavioural treatment also teaches distraction — replacing eating with healthier alternatives — as a skill for coping with stress. Positive reinforcement, rehearsal/problem-solving, finding social support, and changing eating habits are specific techniques used to break linkages.

The diary can help you get a better understanding of what you eat and why you eat it. It also can help your doctor, therapist, or dietitian work with you to make the necessary changes for successful weight management

Another important aspect is ‘Calorie Counting’, don’t go with calorie counting, always go with healthy eating practices because once you start to count your calorie you will go far away from your expected goal. If brain will come to know about your planner and with feeling of lack of food, your body automatically start eating in excess.

In any weight management, it may be weight reduction program, weight gaining program or even you need ideal body weight, the first thing is set up of mind. In this way, weight management program should always start with 1 week yoga and meditation program in which mind become active and ready to procrastination.

With this new state of mind, feeling of anger, anxiety and depression shall be lost. These are the basic cause for excessive craving of sweets and unhealthy foods, and sometimes hunger may lost.
Another important aspect is, your likes and dislikes also going to change according to your needs. Day by day you shall see the change in yourself. You shall be achieve your goals with lots of happiness.

One more important thing is, you have no need to worry about your previous weight because with the change of mind your habits are also changed, now you like only those things which are good for you and your body. It is not a boundation or burden it’s a choice for better life, and anything which we do with our choice we do our best.

So one must realize that even a small act at the initial stage of a weight management would save a lot and a little negligence would lead us to a great loss

To Keep The Body In Good Health Is A Duty, Otherwise We Shall Not Be Able To Keep Our Mind Strong And Clear, BUDDHA(563 BC-483 BC)

If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you”

