Gaucher Disease: What to Eat?

Dietician Ankita
2 min readFeb 1, 2023


There are numerous ways to reduce Gaucher disease symptoms. Although there is currently no cure, medication and surgery may help you or your child live a more comfortable life and prevent organ damage. Only adults should use some treatments. Others are made for a particular kind of Gaucher.

It’s possible that you won’t require any treatments at all if you or your child only has minor symptoms. You can put off taking medication until you see if your issues worsen.

Children and adults with Gaucher disease should follow a healthy diet that includes plenty of Calcium and Vitamin D-rich foods to maintain strong bones, as well as get regular exercise.

An Overactive Immune System and Gaucher Disease

Immunity is critical for people suffering from Gaucher disease. Gaucher disease is currently described by researchers as a disease involving “chronic immune system stimulation.”

People with Gaucher disease inherit a lack of the glucocerebrosidase enzyme. As a result, immune cells called macrophages accumulate abnormal lipids (fats).

Diet for Gaucher Disease

Some nutrients are especially advantageous for the development and operation of immune cells. Numerous plant and animal foods contain the vitamins C, D, and A as well as minerals like iron, zinc, selenium, folate, and selenium.

Nutrients such as Calcium, Vitamin D, or others may also help to reduce Gaucher symptoms. If your doctor believes you aren’t getting enough from your diet, they may advise them.

The foods that are rich in Vitamin D are mainly the ones that can partly help to recover from Gaucher Disease. The nutritious foods given below are high in Vitamin D:

  • Herring and sardines: Fish called herring are consumed all over the world. It is frequently pickled or smoked. This little fish also contains a lot of vitamin D that can definitely help with the gaucher disease. Sardines in cans are also a great source of vitamin D.
  • Orange: Vitamin D is abundantly present in oranges. It protects our cells from damage as a result. Additionally, it promotes the body’s production of collagen. Collagen helps skin become smoother and heals wounds. It is advised to drink orange juice if you have gaucher disease.
  • Mushrooms: Mushrooms that have been sun-dried are a fantastic source of vitamin D. The majority of mushrooms don’t naturally contain vitamin D.
  • Eggs: In every home, eggs are a breakfast staple. The egg yolk is chock full of vitamin D.
  • Fortified Milk: Absorption of calcium is enhanced by vitamin D. Just make sure to look at the specifications on the label of your preferred brand. Almond and soy milks that have been fortified with vitamin D can offer comparable amounts of the vitamin.

