Alkaline Diet: Should we care about it?

Digital Marketing
2 min readDec 28, 2018


Alkaline Diet Fruits and Vegetables

Most of the people have heard before about it. Alkaline diet is also known as an alkaline ash diet or acid ash diet. This diet craze has started from 2010 year. This diet is based on the foods that can maintain your pH levels and gives you certain benefits to your body. The pH is the figure that expresses the acidity and alkalinity of a solution. The pH range is within 0–14.The pH, which is 0 is extremely acidic and the pH range is 14 is extremely alkaline. The pH ranges nearby 7 is neutral, which helps the body respiration and urination. The foods contain specific groups such as alkaline, neutral and acid

The Acidic group contains foods like meat, eggs, processed foods and poultry etc.

Neutral group contains foods like sugar, tofu, unsweetened yogurt and starches etc.

Alkaline group contains foods like fruits, vegetables, herbal tea etc.

This diet will reduce the capacity of the food having more acid and replace it with the foods has more alkaline. An alkaline diet you have to choose mostly veg food and not the high calorie and fat foods. It will not include alcohol and caffeine. This diet will put a control on blood pressure and cholesterol, which reduce the risk of cardiac arrest.

The consumption of acidic foods can create an unhealthy environment to the human body which may result in inflammation, cold and also may occur chronic diseases like arthritis and cancer. On the contrary the alkaline foods will give more muscle strength to the human body, preventing from kidney stone, brings improvement in cardiovascular health. It might also prevent from certain types of cancer. It doesn’t mean you should eat only raw vegetables and fruits shifting from acidic foods.

It has not been scientifically proved that the consuming of alkaline diet will address to weight loss and wellness. The following of alkaline diet is not pretty easy for everyone. You choose any diet plan but daily exercise is necessary for health.

