Lutein: An Antioxidant that protect your eyes lifetime

Digital Marketing
2 min readDec 8, 2018


The Eye is a major and delicate organ of the body that will be helpful for the vision. Most people can see and make sense of the world. Lutein is an important antioxidant that can be beneficial for your eyes forever. This antioxidant is associated with the group of carotenoid and present in the macula, i.e. the central area of the retina. Lutein is a yellow pigment in nature which is responsible for the colors of fruits and leafy vegetables. It is also found in egg yolk too.


Lutein protect the risk of the cataracts and macular degeneration. These two causes are the disorders found in the old age people in many countries. The lutein will form yellow pigment and filter the high powerful blue ray light that will arise from the sun. The regular intake of lutein in food will reduce the chance of developing AMD by almost 57%.

Daily Consumption of Lutein

If you are not getting a sufficient amount of lutein daily then prefer taking in dietary supplements. You should take at least 6 to 20 mg count of lutein in your daily diet. Lutein may be also protect your skin from the ultraviolet rays and promotes the cardiovascular health. The risk is too much lower if you will have more amount of lutein in our body. The lutein will found highly in dark leafy vegetable like spinach, kale, broccoli, lettuce and carrots etc.

Benefits of lutein for other parts

Lutein is considered as a safe compound by the Food and Drug department and also can be used as an additive in dietary supplements. Lutein is a fat soluble, and it is easily absorbed with olive oil, any vegetable oil or food with fat. Lutein is equally crucial to brain, heart and other parts of the body.

There are not many adverse side effects known if you consume more lutein.

