Tea Importance: A Refresher Energy Booster

Digital Marketing
2 min readDec 15, 2018


Every 15th December is celebrated as an “International Tea Day” in most of the tea producing countries like India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Malaysia etc. It was started celebrating since 2005.It has been scientifically shown that tea has been played initial role in health. Some scientist has proved that drinking tea regularly will make your heart healthy. It has been noticed that drinking tea will also control the cholesterol of people who is suffering from high blood pressure. Tea is also effective for Parkinson disease. It will protect the body from generating Neuro degenerative disorder.

Green Tea Benefits

In tea there is flavonoid named antioxidant which will reduce the possibility of cancer, blood pressure and heart attack. There are lots of advantages to our immune system because ingredients available in tea. So at least once in a day we should have one cup of green tea or black tea. Like green tea, black tea also has a cholesterol, burn quality that helps for weight loss of your body. We will take lots of medicines for weight loss and also keep restrictions on our food, but very few people know early morning a sip of tea can burn your calories. Catechins one of component of tea is having more ability to burn calorie.

To make your bones strong and healthy tea is necessary. The tea’s components is having a capability to stop the cells that will cause a cancer. It helps in curing most of the different cancers. The tea is one of the popular beverage in the world today. Most of the people will drink tea to refresh their mind or to overcome laziness. The tea contains the least amount of caffeine, which is harmful for our immune system.

“A flower cannot blossom without a sunshine, and man cannot live without drinking tea”

