2010 — Retrospective?

1 min readDec 28, 2016



  • Celebrated my wife’s 40th birthday in style. (Vegas Baby!)
  • Spent a lot of time with the LilaBaby
  • Boycotted NBC from the day Conan signed off until the day Jeff Zucker was fired
  • Turned a cubicle into an aquarium as a warning to not take vacations, even honeymoons ( http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/EFmk-0d11r2O-uCrH_e3SQ?feat=directlink [dead link] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuWHcqnJf0c {this one works})
  • Wept at Toy Story 3
  • Moved into a house in the burbs
  • Attended the Rally to Restore Sanity (and/or Fear) in DC
  • Nearly wept at The Lincoln Memorial, but didn’t want my wife to laugh at me (like she did at Toy Story 3)
  • Visited Seattle for the umpteenth time, but this time I went in the Space Needle and Experience Music Project/Sci-Fi Museum
  • Enjoyed Thanksgiving and Christmas more than I’d have ever thought possible
  • Paid enough in taxes to make me eligible for republican party membership


  • iPad
  • t2i
  • couch
  • upright washing machine
  • king size memoryfoam mattress (This or the iPad wins the year, I’m never going to choose a real winner)


  • far too many photos
  • far too many links via Google Reader


  • too few books, and too many ‘articles’
  • a giant field of reese’s pumpkins

2010s site recommendations

