2012 — Retrospective

3 min readDec 28, 2016


So, 2012 did it’s job. It was far FAR improved from 2011.


  • The new year kicked off with Michelle appearing in The Courier Journal, an article about video games and adults. My photos were confined to the website. behind a paywall, where they belong.


  • Valentine’s Day Michelle has to work a little late and then commute. I make spaghetti, we open up a bottle of Chateau St Michelle, and we watch Lady and the Tramp to celebrate.
  • Later that month the Sherman Minton Bridge is repaired and commutes go from INSANE to merely maddening. Then they put I-65 under construction for a few weeks, just to keep us from getting too big in the britches.


  • My brother celebrated his 40th birthday!
  • We got an elliptical exercise machine.
  • Michelle’s annual trek to visit her friends leaves me with a weekend home alone. I spend it in my Lucky Rocketship Underpants… but still have to go in to work. (I put clothes on over them)
  • My Grandma’s house is almost hit by a Tornado.. her barn on property is completely demolished.
  • Backed ze Frank’s new show on Kickstarter


  • Levon Helm and Dick Clark both die. Causing my playlists to get a much needed kick in the pants.
  • Got a new iPad.


  • MCA dies. Playlists again receive some pant kicking.
  • My best friend from HS turns 40!
  • Took a stroll down a path at Gethsemani, an Abbey an hour away from Louisville. Easily one of the best things I’ve done ‘solo’ since I met Michelle
  • Listened to all 3 Beatles Anthology sets front to back. In honor of a sorely missed old hippie.


  • Saw Roger Waters in concert. The 17 year old Doug inside of me was very happy. The 40 year old thought it was a lot more like Cirque du Soliel than a Rock Concert. (I still loved it)
  • Michelle got furniture for our patio seating area. The most liked photo I took this year on facebook was of a couple of chairs on a patio. You people are weird.


  • Andy Griffith died. And I spent a solid day alternating between watching dogs howling at the theme song on Youtube, and thinking about Everett.
  • Chik-Fil-A proved that white middle-class christians LOVE to feel like victims, no matter how far they have to stretch the definitions of words to get there.


  • Watched a nuclear powered robot car land on mars on a slab of glass from a hotel room 250 miles from home. No big whoop.
  • My sister celebrated her 40th!
  • Neil Armstrong died. In a thousand years, I bet he’s the only American name any human remembers.


  • Began FortyForForty.com, my descent into self-important blathering on the internet. Okay, I’ve been doing that for YEARS, but this time it was focused.


  • Went to see a refreshed version of Lawrence of Arabia on the big screen. It was beautiful, and not just because no women talked for 3 and a half hours.
  • Went to see Louis CK in St Louis. Had a lovely time with The Schmoop.
  • Finished FortyForForty.com — That was a painful project, but I’m glad I did it.
  • I turned 40.
  • Hurricane Sandy strikes the North East.. then Disney buys LucasFilm. Coincidence?!


  • Some election thing happened. A whole bunch of people forgot we’re all in this together.
  • Thanksgiving rocked. As always.


  • Ravi Shankar and Dave Brubeck both die. Causing me to listen and appreciate a bunch of music I don’t normally expose myself to.
  • Christmas. Was. Awesome.
  • Wrote this list.

I got my fingers crossed for 2013.

