Best Pepper Spray Against Pit Bulls: Pros, Cons, How To, FAQs

5 min readFeb 14, 2023


Pepper spray is a powerful self-defense tool that can be used to deter aggressive dogs, including pit bulls. While it’s important to remember that pit bulls can be loving and friendly dogs, they can also be dangerous when they feel threatened or act aggressively. If you’re looking for a way to protect yourself against an aggressive pit bull, pepper spray can be an effective option.

Here Are Seven Things To Consider When Choosing The Best Pepper Spray For Pit Bulls:

  1. Strength: The strength of pepper spray is measured in Scoville Heat Units (SHU). The higher the SHU, the stronger the pepper spray. When choosing pepper spray to use against pit bulls, look for a product with a high SHU rating.
  2. Range: Pepper spray comes in different ranges, including stream, foam, and fog. A stream pepper spray has a longer range, making it easier to hit the target from a distance. Foam and fog sprays are more effective at close range.
  3. Size: Pepper spray comes in different sizes, including keychain, pocket, and larger canisters. Choose a size that is convenient for you to carry and use.
  4. Ingredients: Pepper spray can contain different ingredients, including OC (oleoresin capsicum) and CS (chlorobenzalmalononitrile). OC is more effective, but CS is less likely to cause permanent damage.
  5. Price: Pepper spray can range in price from a few dollars to over $50. Choose a product that fits your budget, but don’t skimp on quality.
  6. Brand reputation: Choose a reputable brand with a proven track record of producing effective pepper spray products.
  7. Legal considerations: Pepper spray is legal in most states, but there are some restrictions in certain states and cities. Check the laws in your area before purchasing pepper spray.

Now that you know what to look for when choosing pepper spray, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of using pepper spray to protect against pit bulls:


  1. Effective: Pepper spray is a highly effective way to deter an aggressive pit bull. The strong, irritating spray can cause the dog to back off and stop its attack.
  2. Non-lethal: Pepper spray is a non-lethal option for self-defense against pit bulls. This is an important consideration for those who want to avoid using a more dangerous weapon.
  3. Easy to use: Pepper spray is easy to use and does not require any special training. Simply aim the spray at the dog and press the trigger.


  1. Limited range: Pepper spray has a limited range and may not be effective if the dog is too far away.
  2. Can be affected by wind: Pepper spray can be affected by wind, which can reduce its effectiveness.
  3. Can cause permanent damage: While pepper spray is considered a non-lethal option, it can still cause permanent damage to the eyes and other parts of the body.

With those pros and cons in mind, let’s take a look at the best five pepper sprays for pit bulls:

Sabre Red Pepper Spray — Stream —

This pepper spray has a range of 10 feet and a high SHU rating of 2,000,000. It comes with a quick release key ring for easy access.

Check The Current Price Here

Police Magnum OC-17 Pepper Spray — Stream —

This pepper spray has a range of 12 feet and a high SHU rating of 1,800,000. It also comes with a quick release key ring for easy access.

Check The Current Price Here

Fox Labs Mean Green Pepper Spray — Stream —

This pepper spray has a range of 20 feet and a high SHU rating of 5,300,000. It also comes with a quick release key ring for easy access.

Check The Current Price Here

PepperEyes Ultimate Pepper Spray — Stream —

This pepper spray has a range of 10 feet and a high SHU rating of 2,000,000. It comes with a convenient clip for easy access and a flip-top safety cap to prevent accidental discharge.

Check The Current Price Here

Guard Dog Security Pepper Spray — Stream —

This pepper spray has a range of 20 feet and a high SHU rating of 2,000,000. It also comes with a quick release key ring for easy access and a safety cap to prevent accidental discharge.

Check The Current Price Here

Now that you have chosen your pepper spray, it’s important to know how to use it effectively. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Remove the safety cap: Make sure the safety cap is removed from the pepper spray before use.
  2. Aim: Aim the pepper spray at the dog’s face, making sure to get it into its eyes, nose, and mouth.
  3. Spray: Press the trigger to spray the pepper spray at the dog. Keep spraying until the dog retreats or until you have used all the spray.
  4. Get away: After using the pepper spray, get away from the dog as quickly as possible. Call animal control or the police if necessary.

Here are three frequently asked questions about using pepper spray against pit bulls:

Can pepper spray harm the dog?

Pepper spray can cause temporary discomfort and irritation to a dog, but it is not usually harmful. However, it’s important to note that some dogs can have an adverse reaction to pepper spray, and it can cause permanent damage if it gets into the eyes.

Is pepper spray legal to use against pit bulls?

Pepper spray is legal to use for self-defense in most states, but there are some restrictions in certain states and cities. Check the laws in your area before using pepper spray.

Can pepper spray be used on other aggressive animals besides pit bulls?

Yes, pepper spray can be used to deter other aggressive animals, such as stray dogs or wildlife.


Pepper spray can be an effective tool for self-defense against aggressive pit bulls. When choosing pepper spray, consider the strength, range, size, ingredients, price, brand reputation, and legal considerations. Always make sure to use the pepper spray properly and get away from the dog as quickly as possible after using it. Remember, pepper spray is a non-lethal option and should be used only as a last resort.

