My Transformation: It’s a Marathon not a Sprint.

Brendan Sera-Shriar
3 min readAug 14, 2018


Yes, you’ve heard this before. And, it’s a 100% accurate. There’s nothing in this world of value that is sustainable without working hard for it … damn hard.

Here’s my short little note on staying positive …

Everyday I push harder than the day before, and that’s because I’m looking to the future. I realized a long time ago that nothing I do at the gym or any changes I make to my diet, are going to have an immediate effect.

You’ll find people all over the web claiming you can loose weight in days or weeks, build perfect abs with a few exercises, get bigger biceps, etc. It’s all BS. If this were the case we would all look like Michelangelo’s David. Suffice to say we don’t … far from it.

But, that’s ok. Being healthy is more than appearance. I know that may sound off putting considering most people join the gym or go on a diet because they have this, usually unattainable, vision of themselves in their head of how they want to look. The truth is, if you stay the course and keep at it your body will certainly change but you realize very quickly that it’s more about how you feel.

I feel fantastic!

Granted I have lost a lot of weight over the course of the past two years and my appearance has greatly changed … but the biggest change is my attitude towards life and my self confidence. I feel strong, powerful and motivated to continue my journey every morning I wake up.

I’m full of energy and a lust for life that keeps me constantly hungry for more great adventures with family and friends. And, on a professional note I have never been more productive than I am now.

Looking to the future

I can honestly say the future has never looked brighter. Ok, ok, maybe I’m overdoing it somewhat in this post, but honestly this is my new reality.

I cannot put it all on diet and training. I’ve had to do a lot of self analysis too over the past few years. We all have our own baggage to deal with, I’m just happy that most of it has bee sorted and dealt with leaving me free to move forward in a much more positive state of mind.

Is it easy ? Absolutely not!

Have I come close to failure? Yep, several times!

I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. I have a daily mantra. I say it every morning when I wake and every night before I go to sleep:

Our greatest glory is not in falling, but in rising, every time we fall

— Confucius

I heard this for the first time in a ROCKY movie and it has always stuck with me.

As crazy as it sounds, it really has helped me deal with … well … life!

Just remember, it’s not a sprint. Take your time. Learn from your mistakes. And keep moving forward.



Brendan Sera-Shriar

I'm a driven creative, technologist, brand developer, blogger, social addict, professional speaker, published author and father.