5 Reasons You Need Life Insurance If You’re Self-Employed

Lokesh Lokit
3 min readSep 24, 2023


Virtue Wealth Counsel

When you’re self-employed, you relish the freedom and control that come with being your own boss. However, this independence also comes with unique financial responsibilities, including safeguarding your family’s future and protecting your business. One indispensable tool that can address these concerns is life insurance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the top 5 reasons why self-employed professionals need life insurance plans and why Virtue Wealth Counsel stands out as your best financial service provider in Ranchi.

1. Enjoy Tax Benefits:

Life insurance isn’t just a safety net; it’s a smart financial strategy. Self-employed individuals can benefit from significant tax advantages by investing in life insurance. At Virtue Wealth Counsel, we specialize in crafting life insurance plans that maximize tax deductions, ensuring that you can protect your loved ones while optimizing your financial portfolio.

Did you know? Life insurance premiums can be tax-deductible for self-employed individuals, reducing your overall tax liability.

2. Enjoy A One-Time Premium Payment:

We understand that self-employed professionals often value simplicity in their financial planning. That’s why we offer life insurance plans with the option of a one-time premium payment. Say goodbye to the hassle of recurring contributions and hello to a secure financial future with a single premium policy from Virtue Wealth Counsel.

Benefit: With a one-time premium, you have the peace of mind that your family’s financial future is secured without the burden of regular payments.

3. Financial Support in The Event of Disability & Terminal Illnesses:

Life insurance isn’t solely about preparing for the unexpected; it can also provide critical support during your lifetime. Some life insurance policies offer living benefits that can be a lifeline in times of need. Imagine having access to funds in case of a disabling illness or a terminal condition. Virtue Wealth Counsel’s life insurance plans offer the financial support you need to maintain your quality of life, cover medical expenses, or pay off debts.

Important Fact: Living benefits can significantly ease the financial burden during challenging times, allowing you to focus on recovery.

4. Cover Business Ownership Transfer Costs:

If you’re a self-employed business owner, you likely worry about the future of your business in your absence. Our life insurance solutions are designed to ensure a smooth transition of ownership in case the unexpected occurs. Virtue Wealth Counsel understands the complexities of business ownership transfer costs and can help you plan for a seamless transition.

Benefit: Your business legacy remains intact, and your family’s financial stability is protected.

5. Lack of Employer Benefits:

Unlike employees who often have access to employer-sponsored life insurance, self-employed professionals don’t have the same luxury. This makes it even more critical for you to proactively secure your financial future. Virtue Wealth Counsel specializes in tailoring life insurance plans to your unique needs, bridging the gap left by the lack of employer benefits.

Did You Know? Self-employed individuals must take charge of their own financial security, making life insurance a strategic choice.

Life insurance is a powerful financial tool that provides peace of mind, tax advantages, and crucial support during life’s uncertainties. If you’re a self-employed professional in Ranchi, Virtue Wealth Counsel is your trusted partner for comprehensive financial planning, including life insurance solutions. Don’t leave your future to chance; contact us today to explore how our expertise can safeguard your family and business.

