Nowadays, our lives have transformed into a digital existence. From ordering food online to getting pharmacies delivered at our doorstep, digital fever has affected every sphere of life.

Online marketing is the new trend and it has indeed proved to be effective for all kinds of businesses. This will definitely help to grow your brand and make it a successful business. For this, you must build a great marketing strategy and put the plans into action.

Social media advertising is one such business strategy. Using the right kind of digital advertising for your business, you can create a local brand image, to say the least.

In fact, there is no limit to social media advertisements. Many advertisement schemes by various social platforms are affordable for someone who is just getting started. Indeed, by following the social media advertising tips discussed here, you can master social media advertising in 2019.

Social media advertising creates brand awareness at the local, national and international levels. Target the right audience with the right content. This will definitely boost your sales from the first day of the advertisement.

Here, we shall see why advertising on social media platforms in 2019 is crucial for the success of your business.

Benefits of social media advertising in 2019

  • With social media advertisements, you can always watch over your online business growth by using analytics.
  • It is affordable, convenient and serves its purpose effectively.
  • You can target specific customers, belonging to a certain age group or employed in a particular sector, as per your product on platforms like Facebook, etc.

Interesting statistics:

  • More than 2 million users on Facebook use it to promote and sell their products.
  • The use of social media on mobile phones is increasing by 30% every year.
  • Online advertising spent 31 billion dollars in 2016.
  • 92% of marketers find social media more effective than conventional advertising methods.

Selecting the appropriate platform to spread awareness about your brand is crucial. Here, you will learn how to attract potential customers by utilizing the most effective types of social media advertising. You shall also learn how to increase sales for your business through social media advertising in 2019.

Choosing the right social media platform

There are several types of social media platforms, for instance, social networking portals. These include Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+. This list also contains Microblogging sites, such as Twitter and Tumblr. Furthermore, there are photo-sharing sites like Instagram, Pinterest, and Snapchat. Besides, you also have video sharing platforms. These include YouTube, Facebook Live, Periscope and Vimeo.

Typically, there are six such social media platforms, where you can invest your money to generate leads by advertising. Choose the right social media network to market your brand. Select such a network that your target audience usually visits.

Here are 3 important factors. These can help you choose the right social media networks to market your brand.

  1. Choose a network that is popular and always used by your target customer.
  2. Select a Social Media network where your target customers can easily engage with the advertisement.
  3. Select a network where you can easily reach out to your target customers.

Now, since we are familiar with the role and importance of social media networking for our business, we will now explore how six of these popular social media platforms will help you to reach out to your customers. You will certainly gain profit in your business by boosting social media advertisements in 2019.

The six major types of social media advertising in 2019 include –

  • Facebook Advertising.
  • Instagram Advertising.
  • Twitter Advertising.
  • Pinterest Advertising.
  • LinkedIn Advertising.
  • Snapchat Advertising.

For More Read — 15 Ways to Increase Engagement on Your Social Media Posts

Facebook Advertising

Facebook hosts 2.37 billion active users per month. Thus, Facebook has become the most viable social platform for advertising. You can generate leads here, let people know about your brand, get viewers for your posts. This, in turn, may also help to increase your website traffic. It will also create awareness about your brand.

Facebook runs advanced targeting. You can target your customers by location, job description, interests, and past activity. It is far more effective than any other social media platform. These are the reasons why Facebook is known as one of the best marketing networks — for anyone & everyone.

Facebook lets you run your ad for a low price. This ensures affordable advertising. However, their advertising teams can stop you from advertising on Facebook. But, this will only happen if your product type is prohibited by Facebook, for instance, tobacco. It also happens if you have a low advertising budget. Ad pricing is based on the ad type. It also depends on your target audience and budget.

Facebook is a global social media network. It is easy to create a page on Facebook and post high-quality content with images, videos to attract customers. You can also run Social media advertising campaigns, which may include giveaways, discounts, offers and more, to increase your customer base. All the advertising tools on Facebook are simple but effective.

Instagram Advertising

Instagram is a great place for social media marketing. It has more than 1 billion monthly active users.

Instagram uses only visual media. So, advertising on Instagram is more effective than any other social media. On Instagram, ads are directly linked to a product page or page which leads to direct engagement with your product.

Instagram’s advertisements cost the same as that of Facebook advertisements. But your advertisement on Instagram receives more views.

Instagram is also owned by Facebook. Instagram provides personalized suggestions to its users. It follows hashtags based on your followers’ or friends’ likes and interests.

It is a great place for advertisement. Even though Instagram has higher advertising costs, it provides better engagement. This is because it has high customer exposure to your ads. 80% of the people online remember what they see more than what they read or hear. Brands with youngsters as the target also prefer Instagram advertising.

The advertising rates on Instagram are measured in CPC or cost per click. For some businesses, it is 1$ but for industries with high competition, the rates can shoot. The promise of more customers remains constant, though.

Twitter Advertising

Twitter has about 380 million active users monthly. It is considered to be a great place for those who run an online store.

Twitter advertisements can be free. Create quality content and post it continuously. It will get your customer’s attention.

Marketers on twitter can advertise their brand or product by sharing attractive images.

Most of the Twitter users are expected to shop at least 6.9 times a month online, while some people use Twitter to shop online around 4.3 times in a month. Twitter is good for smaller businesses.

Typically, Twitter ads cost $9 to $11. In the past 2 years, more marketers are using twitter advertising. Thus, it has increased the cost of advertising on twitter.

Pinterest Advertising

Ecommerce websites widely use Pinterest for advertisement of their products. The case study confirms that brands whose target are women will find Pinterest to be helpful.

Pinterest runs a highly targeted search engine. Pinterest uses the high performing pin and promotes it based on customer’s engagement on it. Those promoted pins are made highly visible to those who browse keywords related to your brand.

Pinterest was expensive. It was only open to big brands. However, Pinterest now has affordable advertisement rates. It has a similar advertisement price as other social media platforms. Here, one user cites a CPM of $5.30 and a CPC of $1.52.

97% of Pinterest users plan to purchase on Pinterest. Also, 87% of its users end up buying the product. Pinterest has 175 million active monthly users. It engages your audience in your ad for a longer time.

For a successful advertisement through Pinterest, be creative. Attract your customers’ attention by creating a relevant description. This further improves the visibility of your ads.

LinkedIn Advertising

LinkedIn is a social media platform for working people. It is for B2B businesses. LinkedIn has around 250 million monthly active users. It is the best social media platform for employees.

You can get great results from LinkedIn advertisements. For this, you need to target customers based on some specific factors, for example, location, age, size of the company, type of company, skills, and education. Create advertisements that focus on solving working people’s problems.

On LinkedIn, you will find the highest average disposable income. You will also find quality leads on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is certainly a good advertising site for recruiters. It also works for secondary education and B2B products and services.

The cost of LinkedIn may range from $2 to $7 per click. It can also reach $11 or $12. For B2B product businesses, LinkedIn is the right place for advertisements.

Snapchat Advertising

Since recent years, Snapchat has emerged as the most popular social media platform. It has 301 million monthly active users.

Snapchat owns a high value in the marketing field. It can reach 41% of all of its 18 to 34 years old users in the United States. This is how Snapchat stands out in the social media advertisement field.

Indeed, the interactive video ads on Snapchat receives high swipe-ups. This is higher in comparison to average swipe-ups or clicks on other social media platforms. But ads on Snapchat are expensive. However, advertisements on Snapchat receives huge response from users.

Video ads on Snapchat cost around $1000 to $3000 per month. Video lenses that made Snapchat so popular can reach millions of views alone. A sponsored lens costs around $4,50,000 to $7,00,000 per day.


Carrying out a successful Social Media Advertising in 2019 may be challenging. It is because half of all content gets zero sharing on social media platforms.

You might be new in the digital marketing world and expect to get the early positive results of marketing. For this, you can hire a managed service to run your ads. It might cost you more in the beginning, but it will surely benefit you in the long run.

We understand your need for marketing your brand online. You are exactly in the right place. Here, at Digi elephant, we give unique marketing strategies to boost your brand on every Social Media Platform.

With our customized business strategies, we have been able to satisfy 100+ clients in the three years of our service.

Stand-out, Digitally with Digi Elephant.

