Benefits of Challenging Yourself

DigiMonkz NFT
8 min readOct 12, 2022


The Cow Brain Syndrome, as I call it, is the result of spending the bulk of our days doing similar routines & activities, especially in an era of increased isolation and moving from one box (or room) to another box (or room) repeating the same programs and cycles. We rehearse the same routine, Groundhog Day style: waking at the same time, eating the same foods, doing similar tasks at work, speaking to the same people, taking the same route to work, wearing similar clothes, watching the same TV shows, etc.

Our brain requires change, variety, and enrichment. It also requires the constant feedback from Nature’s sacred math and geometry (we are nature-deprived). We are a product, in many respects, of the programs or habits that we have rehearsed over years or decades. Although good habits are a key to maintaining physical and mental health, when we become creatures of habit, we run the risk of getting stuck in a boring grooves and repetitive patterns that deprive us of much needed enrichment, or new and different experiences that can enhance neuroplasticity, learning, memory, and attention. Repetition on a day-to-day basis can even result in feelings of depression, laziness, or complacency.

TRY SOMETHING NEW, LEARN SOMETHING NEW, CHALLENGE YOURSELF, and BE A LIFELONG LEARNER. Like a child, embrace challenges with optimism, strive to keep growing, and use that growth to fuel your motivation to continue learning, hustling, and working towards your dreams.

Too much comfort of modern living can make us somewhat complacent and content, which boosts our sense of security, but does not lead to growth. Instead, it can often lead to stagnation. Doing challenging things is never the easy path, but it does deliver the best gains.

Energy always wants to flow through the path of least resistance. Thus, it is easy for energy to be allowed to flow out of the senses and dispersed onto idle, instinctual, or unproductive activities. The mind is fickle and would rather be engaged in idle gossip, laziness, or playing games. Develop a DigiMonkz like discipline to entrain the mind and keep it on a shorter leash, pushing you to greater heights.

Comfort Can be Our Greatest Enemy

There is no doubt that we crave and desire feeling comfortable. It is good to relax and enjoy the moment or any triumph. However, persistence in this so-called “comfortable zone” can draws us in and seduces us with a settled mind that feels good about where we are and how far we have come. Whatever the endeavor, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, avoid resting too long on your laurels. I have seen it shunt the expansion of many a consciousness as we settle into a zone that feels good and accomplished, as intrinsically we fear venturing farther outside the zone of comfort.

Be brave and venture out onto the open waters, even if treacherous. Remember that Success requires three ingredients:

1) A Monk’s Patience, which allows us to endure and persevere without clinging to past accomplishments or failures.

2) A Warrior’s Courage, which helps us to remain calm under duress and free of excessive fear or trepidation of what is to come.

3) A Child’s Imagination, which ignites our creative and explorer spirit.

The “good” feeling that arises as we progress can motivate us to continue onward. However, it can become empty and unsatisfying to our spirit, especially when it keeps us from working on pursuing our highest aspirations. Be wary of feeling too complacent and comfortable, especially after making progress on meaningful but difficult tasks and goals.

The longer you remain in these repeated loops of comfort and routines, the more difficult it can be to escape. When something unknown, challenging, or new presents itself, we’re all but hardwired to retreat. We live in a culture that upholds convenience and comfort above all else. Thus, we are instinctively drawn towards the safety of satisfying comforts.

And that’s exactly why many of us struggle to step beyond what’s familiar and easy.

Here are four key reasons we often retreat to the safety net that comfort provides:

1) We fear failure despite it being our greatest teacher.

2) We crave the easiest and safest route.

3) Trying something new is more difficult than repeating old routines, even if harmful or dysfunctional.

4) We compare ourselves to others and think we could never live up to higher standards others hold dear.

COMMAND YOUR LIFE starting RIGHT NOW by identifying the tendencies that you possess that hinder you from taking the necessary steps towards your dreams and goals.

Imagine what would have happened if Henry Ford had not kept trying to perfect the assembly line production process that transformed the automotive business. Did you know that Mr. Ford twice filed for bankruptcy and had two car companies before founding Ford Motor Co. in 1903?

What if Walt Disney had given up the dream of creating Disneyland after he was told by a newspaper editor that he lacked imagination and innovative ideas?!!

Lastly, imagine if J.K. Rowling gave up after twelve publishers rejected her Sorcerer’s Stone book before she found one that said yes! Or if Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, did the same with writing children’s books after being rejected by an even larger set of 27 publishers!!!

NOTHING COMES WITHOUT MOMENTS OF FAILURE or RESISTANCE. Life tests our resolve and perseverance at every turn. It takes effort to break down the inertia and stagnation of past accomplishments or habits. Push, push, push. Get organized, build power and energy, and execute on your dreams in the HERE & NOW.

Your strength can only increase with some strain. Your bones become stronger with the stresses that gravity exerts. The trunk of a tree would remain frail if not for the violent and powerful wind. The forces of nature and life can make us stronger and wiser, if we allow them to groove our body, mind, and spirit.

Doing Difficult Things Produces Growth

Try it! Do it! You will surprise yourself! Do not grip that comfortable safety net! If you want to grow, live a full life, or have a meaningful impact on the world, you will need to suffer, struggle, or strain a bit. Ideal, kindred spirit type relationships are made not given! The sharpest blade is always forged in flame with the constant beating and shaping by the hammer of the mind!

With time, things will become easier as you shape the grooves of your mind, allowing your energy to flow freely into new habits, patterns, or practices. Develop the courage, grit, and perseverance that is necessary. Remember that these traits do not come from living an easy life, and all of them are necessary for growth, progress, and renewal.

In the past several years as I have worked tirelessly to build multiple NFT businesses, I have found the benefits of perseverance far exceed those of simple comfort. In fact, I consider perseverance to be my most valued gift and developed attribute, like a rhino charging to the target no matter what the obstacle. Do not be afraid to do the hard things or to take difficult paths. Consciously seek new challenges as a means of pursuing a growth mindset.

Sustained Effort Provides 5 Benefits

Opening the door creative possibilities

According to a recent article in the journal Cerebrum, when we engage our creative side, it activates areas where dopamine is released, and the brain’s pleasure/motivation/drive centers light up. Even though creative pursuits require a learning curve and can be uncomfortable, the benefits of persistence will bring many neurochemical and psychological benefits. We will feel amazing mentally and physically with each success. Nobody that is anybody got to where they are without this growth process of making mistakes, working to improve, refining their skill, or overcoming their fears or doubts, especially when things that did not work.

Gaining long-term growth mindset

Failure will be an inevitable experience for anyone who seeks to create a new venture or open a new avenue. Choosing to continue working towards your goals instead of giving up or staying put, will demonstrate how powerful and useful failures are for your growth. With time, you will become more immune to despondency, fear, or resignation.

Pushing past your weaknesses & using any challenge to your advantage

Like I wrote above, challenging yourself, having to problem solve, thinking outside the box, or creating new routines or practices is critical to enhancing your brain’s plasticity, or the ability of your neurons to form new connections. You can dynamically change the way your brain rewires and what networks or loops are dominating your everyday experience. Therefore, the efforts you make will enhance your ability to adapt, learn, and think creatively. With time and effort, you will build resilience and confidence to tackle any situation that is challenging or requires the acquisition of new skills.

If I think about my Web3 journey so far, it has been met with many moments where I did not know how to move forward or grow an idea, but I pushed myself to learn, to think outside the box, and get help when needed to develop the skills required for success. Do not seek to reinvent the wheel. Instead, collaborate, seek help, learn from the mistakes and successes of others. Web3 is verdant with opportunity, but also a steep learning curve. Be mindful of where you are and how you can build to dominate with amazing new digital landscape.

Acquiring knowledge about yourself

The more you push yourself to do harder things, to seek out creative avenues of expression, the more you learn about yourself: what gets you to feel passionate, what are your strengths or weaknesses, what areas do you require growth in, etc.

You can then better understand how to rediscover your inner child, push past your limitations, and develop a growth mindset found in lifelong learners. Push past your fears and doubts. Do not let the FUD dominating the media to create hesitation within your being. Keep guiding yourself towards your dreams or areas of interest. Build a you that will dominate the Web3 space and the your younger self would be proud of!

Becoming comfortable with criticism

When you push the limits of your capabilities and attempt to do something new, criticism or judgements from others, even your own followers, will come. When this arrives, take it as an opportunity for feedback or constructive criticism to learn from and to refine your skills. We should avoid taking things personally as many may seek to attack our capabilities and successes (or even more so our failures).

Do without expecting any fruits. Have a concrete plan and execute but avoid beating yourself up at the first sign of discomfort or struggle. See any comments as feedback meant to help you grow stronger and wiser, as to help you improve your approach or expand your curiosity towards new avenues and ventures.

Nothing grows in isolation. Thus, embrace what others say or think and seek to grow from it and refine your craft. Accept your weaknesses to help strengthen them over time. This will boost your confidence to take on new opportunities or challenging endeavors.

Final note

Remember that doing what is difficult is never comfortable. If you just seek comfort, then you will limit your ability to learn and grow by slowing down your brain’s dynamic capacity for change. Moreover, you forfeit the amazing opportunity in front of you, which is to become a better version of yourself.

You are the greatest creative force in the universe! Make every second count! Live like you and your dreams matter! Ignore the noise! Focus on skillful planning and execution, one step at a time!

Soon, I will teach holders how to master the Zen Way, which sees no obstacles, but only navigates past them with skill, grace, and confidence. You got this! Your Guru awaits you in the temple of your heart! Stay Zen & Be Fearless! Hari Om Tat Sat!

Much Love & Respect,

Bebe Chez



DigiMonkz NFT

Life of a DEGEN Mastermind NFT Project. Designed by @bebechez_eth, to promote holistic health & mindful business for the next generation of entrepreneurs.